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Dang it, you both are making me want to go out and watch Endgame a second time, as you picked up on some stuff. OwO (probably won't and will wait till home release)
I also really like the original six having that special signature part in the credits. Had an appropriate feel to it too. End of an era way.

For Spiderman trailer, couldn't quite get the first bit of what Peter's friend said "...when I first fell in love", saying it so quickly. XD
I just watched Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 1 for the first time and it might just be my favourite non-Avengers Marvel movie (until I watch Volume 2). I just found it to be such enjoyable fun and Starlord has become a person I'd want to be reincarnated as if I died and was told I can come back based upon anyone I want, fictional or non-fictional. Grin
Dude, did you forget Black Panther? Unless you've changed your mind on that, or considered him part of Avengers, although he didn't really officially join yet and was an ally like the Guardians in IW.

Do like Star Lord too, I need to watch Volume 1 properly and 2. Just seen parts of V1, also the ending of that.
Oh I remembered Black Panther. I just loved GotG a little bit more because of the character interactions in it. It reminded me of Uncharted in space almost with Quill being like a space Drake. ROFL
I did ask Shira to post this when it was announced but I guess she forgot. Marvel announced their Phase 4 line-up at SDCC the other day, which will be made up of the following:
  • Black Widow (Movie) - 2020
  • The Eternals (Movie) - 2020
  • The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV Series) - 2020
  • WandaVision (TV Series) - 2021
  • Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (Movie) - 2021
  • Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness (Movie) - 2021
  • Loki (TV Series) - 2021
  • What If...? (TV Series) - 2021
  • Hawkeye (TV Series) - 2021
  • Thor: Love and Thunder (Movie) - 2021
Out of all the movies, the only one I'm not massively interested in right off the bat is The Eternals, just because I have no clue who they are or what that movie would be about story wise. Thor 4 and Doctor Strange are the two I'm most excited for, although Shang-Chi might get up there too if the premise is as cool as that movie name is. XD

For the TV shows, I'm indifferent on them right now since they're all Disney+ based, and I don't currently have any plans to pay for that service. If I did though, I'd mostly be into Loki, Falcon, and above all else, What If, since that last one is an animated show and therefore will stand out the most compared to anything else in this line-up.

Not announced for part of Phase 4 but brought up is a new Blade movie, as well as a new Black Panther. I expect those to be really good and can't wait for more! Grin
Ah, so there really will be a Black Widow film. Disappointed in the amount of TV Series. I tried getting into one, Agents of Shield, and after series three I started missing episodes, then stopped caring about it. Hope they won't tie in too much and movies stay as if you don't need to watch any of them. Loki would be good to watch, I'll admit. As for the movies, mainly interested in Doctor Strange's and Black Panther's sequel. Thor and Shang-Chi maybe, but the first two I probably would go see at the cinema. See how I'll feel in 2021 though. XD
This made the front page of Reddit yesterday and it's just so damn well edited that I have to share it!

Yup, really well done with the editing there. Will watch the others as there's at least two more. Gugga seems to mostly do Halo videos.

Here are the others.

So, Sony and Disney couldn't come to an agreement about the Spiderman license and as a result it means Spiderman is currently out of the MCU.

What a load of bollocks. Hmph
Can't believe they still haven't settled on a deal even after Far From Home has been made and released. There was a deal to get him in the Avengers and the other three films, and all had relation the rest of the MCU (take it Far From Home has from aftermath of Endgame), and now Spiderman can't be in any more? Screw that. Eh
I think Disney asked for more money from Spiderman because it's making money; unlike the Star Wars franchise which seems to be tanking & hard. My guess is they wanted more money from Spiderman being a success due to that.
What sucks is Sony looks bad but they're technically in the right. Disney get profits from everything else related to Spiderman, including merchandise, which is monumentally bigger than any of the movies. Asking for 50 percent instead of 5 percent for the movie profits is really too much and would see Sony making less money on FFH than Venom, despite the former making far more profit overall.
Yeah, it's a huge shame seeing everyone shitting on Sony for this when it is 110% on Disney. You're already getting 100% of the profit from all merchandise, which overall makes a ton more than the movie ever will. Then you want to go and tell Sony to give you 100% of the merchandise profits AND 50% of the movie profits?

Disney really showing their arrogance on this one. Glad Sony gave them a huge middle finger, even if it meant Spider-Man being removed from the MCU.
I hope they come to a deal that lets Spiderman stay in the MCU. It'll just be such a crock of shit story wise to suddenly have him disappear from the MCU and not be allowed to have any connections to it going forward.

I also don't trust Sony with a Spiderman movie. The only good one they ever made was Into The Spiderverse, and that was only because they didn't have any real input on the thing with stupid focus groups and whatnot.
So does anyone plan to see the Black Widow movie when it comes out?

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