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@Mr EliteL: Oh you already knew that was a thing? I assume you did it at some point in T4 which is how you learned of it? I genuinely never knew that could happen until I shared that video. XD
Yeah I knew you can hurt yourself like that, don't remember what game I learnt it in, also can't remember if it's still a thing in more recent games though. I might be playing T7 soon before tomorrow so I'll try that Lei move to see if it does.
Wait, that isn't just in T4?! Blink What game did you come across it in then?

Also I feel like a really shit Tekken fan when I keep finding out more and more things about the games I played that I didn't know were a thing. I was watching this video because I was bored and paused it after the part about items came up (3:20) because the only thing I really remember from TTT2 at all about items is Bruce's chickens, and I don't even remember if they could be used for an attack or were just something that would show up behind him as a gag item. I don't think I saw all that stuff and just forgot about it because it's too ridiculous to not remember things like that. XD
I checked in Tekken 7 and yep, Lei can still slam into the wall jumping back off the opponent in that grab move, taking damage too. So I'm taking it being in T7 means T4-T7 stages with walls it can happen. I probably saw it an earlier game but just can't remember which. Not only that but you might know already that Nina and Paul can hurt themselves in a particular move if they miss, Paul's version of a moonsaults like what Law does, Nina's is her doing a front flip. Likely more where the character hurts themself. XD . An obvious one you should know of is Yoshimitsu stabbing himself (Hara-kiri) or spinning away.

Watched that part and yeah I didn't use character items in TTT2, so they're new to me too all apart from Miharu's photo and the chickens. XD The only item I cared for that can be used as an attack/effect the opponent is the pizza in T7.
I didn't know Paul could try to do his own version of Law's moon saults. Thinking on it more, taking self damage on walls isn't really a bug when considering that doing that move in real life by a wall would get that result, so it actually makes sense but my first thought when seeing it was that it was a bug. XD
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