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....None that I ever bothered to look into yet. Maybe one day.
How are your projects coming along that you told me about a couple of weeks ago? Smile
Do you have your own car? :O
Well i finished them, but I wasn't too happy with them to be honest. So I'm trying to work on my basic skills over the summer to hopefully put my art into a position where I am happy with what I am doing.

@ShiraNoMai Not yet and I kinda feel like it'll probably be a next step for me at some point probably after I get a job cause I can't really buy a car until I have a regular amount of money coming in.
Who's your least favorite villain to go up against in DbD?
That is a good one probably I'm going to have to say Hillbilly mainly because I feel like I can never dodge his instadown saw attacks, but I am not really good at the game. XD
Do all the villains have a insta-down attack?

Also, what do you think of the Resident Evil collaboration now that official gameplay and details were released today? Smile
No only some of them every killer has a unique ability. Gasp

I thought it was really interesting and neat and I played the PTB today and honestly I think their perks will be interesting and show up in games, and the models seem well done. I personally think I'll pick up the DLC, but I don't really see myself maining any of those characters unless they put a character I think is really cool as a legendary skin over them.

For me I can't say I ever really got that attached to Leon or Jill as characters so for me I probably won't be maining them, but I am expecting to see Nemesis in every game on release. I think the zombie mechanic is probably the coolest part of his kit really. Getting random AI controlled enemies that can attack and you can see and get an idea where the survivors might be is just so neat!
What's PTB?

Also yeah, if nothing else the AI enemies is cool just because it's something completely different and brand new. I think it's only on the Resident Evil map though, right?
Public beta Test it would actually be PBT, but all PC players can opt into the beta and they release it right after the stream.

No the zombies are actually linked to him so they would appear in all maps if your playing as Nemesis so if you want you can even the zombies to the Silent Hill school.
That's pretty neat the zombies are attached to the character instead of the map. Although, it does sound a little overpowered on paper. XD

If you could change or add one thing to DbD what would it be?
Honestly probably just more cosmetics for the characters I like to play.

I enjoy my dress up in my horror themed game of freeze tag.
What characters do you like to play as?
Well I normally play as one of the following survivors:
Meg, Nea, Feng Min, or Claudette I have them all prestiged and am working toward getting them everyone perk!
So I randomly saw on the old forum that you bought God of War, but I don't recall you ever really talking about it more than that or even mentioning if you'd finished it. So my question to you is did you finish it? Tongue
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