Universal Gaming

Full Version: UG Secret Santa 2019 [Closed]
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U N I V E R S A L G A M I N G ' S


1. Mr EliteL will write down the names of those signed up for the Secret Santa twice, once on paper then again on a strip of paper to fold and put into a hat and draw them out at random to pair them up. To demonstrate the possible outcomes, it will go something like this:

Mr EliteL (Secret Santa for) > [ Random ]
Moonface (Secret Santa for) > [ Member ]
Member (Secret Santa for) > [ Moonface ][
Moderator (Secret Santa for) > [ Mr EliteL ]
Random (Secret Santa for) > [ Moderator ]

2. If the same people are paired up as from 2018 or 2017's Secret Santa, names will be drawn again until that person has someone different.
3. I will then PM everyone who has entered with who they'll be making a present for.
4. You will have until the 25th of December to New Year's to complete your presents. On the day or whenever you're ready to, post them up in this topic.

If your gift is ready but you won't be able to post in the specified dates, you may give the present before then or when you are finished.

I don't want anyone getting pressured if they haven't got their present done in time. So the deadline window is by the 25th of December to the 31st. Although if you're making a time consuming present then say what you're doing for them, or hint towards it, and say when you predict you'll have that done.

Forms of gifts:
You can do artwork, a form of literature (poem, story etc), purchase a digital game, game points card, or even send a present if you know the address. If you're sending a present through post, do tell me at some point through PM so I can tell the receiver. Or if you feel it's better to, PM them yourself.

  • Do NOT tell anyone about who you are making a gift for, ESPECIALLY who you have been paired with.
  • Be grateful for who and what you get.
  • Take your time. Preferably don't leave it to the last minute.
  • If you get stuck on what to do, either PM a member you believe will be able to help you or attempt to make an indirect question/topic on the forum that the recipient of your gift may answer/comment.
  • If you wish to drop out, please send a PM to [me]. If you have been assigned a receiving member prior to dropping out, they will be assigned to the member who is your giftee.

Presents to be completed and posted on 25th December - 31st December
(If there's a problem, notify Mr EliteL )

Members Signed Up

Mr EliteL

Kept putting this off for some stupid reason. Was going to do it last weekend before, but kept saying "tomorrow..." then not. >.< 
At least 4 members are required to start. Sign ups are opened until end of the 1st Dec, unless there's not enough to start. Since I ended up waiting until the 5th last year. XD

No idea why it won't let me use paragraph spacing all of a sudden. Will try and sort it out tomorrow. EDIT: Done.

EDIT 2: Going to close this now. Getting too late to start, and would be less to worry about for this busy month.