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A lot of us started playing games when we were way younger than we are now, but regardless of when you started I'm sure your habits and tastes have changed since that time.

To kick this thread off I'd say my tastes have gotten broader as time has gone on. There was a time I wouldn't play a Nintendo game and had so little interest in Nintendo that I didn't even really know Mario was a big deal. Most of my older games are probably platformers, and I didn't get into shooters or action-adventure games and stuff properly until PS3, and most of that was because things like Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter incorporated elements of other genres rather than strictly being platformers. I also took more notice of gaming news and stuff when that generation came around so there were more opportunities for games to catch my eye. In the generations prior to that I normally just cared for what was familiar to me, or anything that could be related to the familiar, such as Jak & Daxter being initially presented in magazines as the next thing from the Crash Bandicoot developers. Had it just said Naughty Dog instead, the chances would have been higher for me to overlook the game. Nowadays I won't really write off any game so long as it looks like something I'd enjoy.
My tastes haven't changed a great deal: I've always been into strategy games and economic simulators, with a side of RPGs and maybe a bit of stealth every now and then.

However, one recent-ish change is that complex games have largely fallen out of favour with me. Back in my student days, I had plenty of free time (especially during the lengthy breaks between terms), and I could happily spend 50 hours learning the basic mechanics of a vastly complex game (such as one of the Paradox grand strategy games). However, now that I have a full-time job, this doesn't seem like such a worthwhile investment of my time any more. One victim of this was Victoria II, which I first bought around five years ago: had I got it a couple of years earlier, it could have become one of my favourite games, but as it was, I was unable to get past the lengthy initial 'learning the mechanics' phase Sad .

Do note, however, that this doesn't mean my gaming preferences have been dumbed down. When I say don't like complexity as much as I used to... that's not the same thing as depth. There are plenty of games where the mechanics are easy to learn, but they take years to truly master (chess being a classic example of this). But I don't have the same level of patience for games where it takes me hours to have a basic idea of what I'm supposed to be doing as I did before.
I feel that, Kyng. Games that require a long-term investment in, while they still attract me at the core, I just logistically can't even conceive putting time into finishing them at any point ever. It's real sad to think I'll probably never finish any JRPG ever again. Sad

Tastes haven't changed much other than that. I was always open to anything and never quite dismissed a whole genre or sect of game unless I knew first hand I didn't enjoy it.

I do think with age that my ability to grasp game controls has dwindled quite a bit. It takes me much longer to adapt to control schemes in games than it used to.

I also realize that a habit I formed as a kid from toxic friend trauma has stuck with me til today: playing co-op makes me inadvertently nervous and I worry a lot about not messing up the other player's performance. Luckily I've phased out of "it's okay to be better than your opponent" in free-for-all style multiplayer with friends, but that was a thing too. Meh
(Dec 15th, 2020, 05:39 AM)ShiraNoMai Wrote: [ -> ]I also realize that a habit I formed as a kid from toxic friend trauma has stuck with me til today: playing co-op makes me inadvertently nervous and I worry a lot about not messing up the other player's performance.
I don't think many people don't have some degree of self conciousness when playing co-op, especially if everyone else is relying on you because they died or something.

I also get really self conscious when playing competitively with friends too, because I like to be happy when I win but worry about coming off as being a dick who's trying to rub it in or something.
I have to really be comfortable with the people I play with in order for me to determine whether or not I can shit-talk about theirs or my performance. If it's my first time playing with you, I especially keep it reserved unless the other person indicates they're cool with it first. I'll never be the first to strike because I, too, don't wanna come off dickish.
(Dec 17th, 2020, 05:43 AM)ShiraNoMai Wrote: [ -> ]I have to really be comfortable with the people I play with in order for me to determine whether or not I can shit-talk about theirs or my performance. If it's my first time playing with you, I especially keep it reserved unless the other person indicates they're cool with it first. I'll never be the first to strike because I, too, don't wanna come off dickish.

Well let me tell you that I am a professional shit-talker and feel free to give me all sorts of shit about how I'm playing if/when we ever play games together. As you may have noticed over these years, I can sometimes be quite the sarcastic asshole. So I'll go ahead and give you the clear to be as snarky with me as you want, just know that you better be prepared to get a dose of it yourself if I get the chance~ 

My gaming habits and tastes haven't really changed over the years. I mean, I guess going from my childhood years to my adult years, obviously the amount of time I spend gaming has drastically increased. Tastes? Not so much. Even when I was a youngster, I had a pretty open mind to all sorts of games, and I haven't really lost that. There isn't many genres of games that I won't be willing to try (sports games being the main ones I avoid like the plague). I've never been one to judge a game based on graphics, and have also kept that with me my entire life. I see people complain about indie games releasing in 20XX that look like SNES games, but to me that just makes me even more interested in them. 

So yeah, I think I've stayed pretty consistent over the years with both my habits and my tastes.