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Full Version: Game Night Poll: Minecraft
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Hello friends I just wanted to do a quick poll just to see how many of you would be interested in having a game night of Minecraft? It might not actually be at night and it might not be just a one day of week thing.

I was talking with Moony and Nikki and Nikki mentioned about maybe playing Minecraft for game night and I like the idea myself, but I'm curious if we got ourselves a minecraft relam or server would you be interested in having a regular game night to play or chill on whenever you feel like it?
I have made it vocally known that I'm not into survival/crafting, so unless you REALLY drag me hard, I'm probably gonna pass on most nights. I might join every once and a while, but don't expect me as a permanent fixture lol.
I'm not sure on the idea of a server since that depends on how many people will regularly use it. I used to play on a server with @Eric years ago that he hosted and while it was neat, it also often felt like I was playing single player because it was rare others were on at the same time as me (although that may have been due to my time zone at the time).

Mini game servers would be neat to play together on though if a dedicated server can't work out.
I think the mini game server would be neat, but it would also kinda spice up survival cause it can get kinda boring when your just playing by yourself.
Minecraft has always been an extremely unappealing game to me, and unfortunately that means I have to pass on this offer. As much as I'd enjoy getting a group game going, Minecraft is just a hard no for me.
I'm voting No purely because I don't play the game, but if it does get enough interest, then sure it can be included.
So with that I think we can say Minecraft is probably a no for game night because at most the only three interested I believe would be Moony, Nikki, and me.

We do got the party games that we all could join easily and if anyone has a suggestion that they'd like to put forward for game night feel free to suggest. Smile
I know this poll is nearly a month old; however, I'd like to express my interest anyway Smile .
4>3, not bad now I'd say. Eric played Minecraft too so I'd imagine he'd make that 5 if so.
I could see if I could set us up a realm or something since there is technically enough interest it seems and it could be a good excuse to get something started and branch off into other things as well.
I voted no because I don't play Minecraft. I mainly play Fortnite.