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What Was/Is Your Favorite IM Platform? - Printable Version

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What Was/Is Your Favorite IM Platform? - Moonface - Mar 24th, 2025

I just got reminded that Skype is shutting down soon, and with that it means that another IM platform will be biting the dust. Since to me it feels like there aren't many of these platforms left and that there's been so many with varying degrees of features and popularity, I was curious what platform(s) everyone here had the most fondness for and whatnot. Hmm

For me, I just always think MSN Messenger was the peak IM experience for me, likely because I enjoyed how much customization it had. You could change your font and background images, and there was no limit as far as I can recall on custom emotes. I can live without the first two, but places like Discord limiting custom emotes to servers only and with a limit to the number a server can have plus not allowing them to be used outside of that server without Nitro is something I really dislike because I always enjoyed using my own emotes on MSN. Sad

RE: What Was/Is Your Favorite IM Platform? - Mr EliteL - Mar 25th, 2025

Probably MSN too, I liked the customisation too, but it's been so long I can't remember what I had, possibly something green for the main layout or whatever. There was an emote that was very fun to use, well there was many but a specific one was my most favourite but unfortunately I also can't remember what it was. There were many times I tried to search for it with no success like it had vanished from existence so I gave up and it caused my mind to remove it from my memory, dang it. XD

Skype was fine but was too bland really compared to MSN, I'd say it's a shame it's going but been too many years since I bothered with my account, there may have been convos from both that I could save, I think I did so on my old Toshiba, don't even know if I still have them or deleted them.

Discord is also fine and does it's job, cool to look through and be added to a community, but I definitely message a lot less on there than MSN and Skype.

RE: What Was/Is Your Favorite IM Platform? - Moonface - Mar 25th, 2025

(Mar 25th, 2025, 05:12 PM)Mr EliteL Wrote:
Probably MSN too, I liked the customisation too, but it's been so long I can't remember what I had, possibly something green for the main layout or whatever. There was an emote that was very fun to use, well there was many but a specific one was my most favourite but unfortunately I also can't remember what it was. There were many times I tried to search for it with no success like it had vanished from existence so I gave up and it caused my mind to remove it from my memory, dang it. XD
Do you remember anything about what the emote looked like at least or no?

My go to emotes on MSN were these bad boys: https://cutekawaiiresources.wordpress.com/2018/07/17/onion-head-emoticons/
Blame for my use of them goes 100% to @ShiraNoMai.

RE: What Was/Is Your Favorite IM Platform? - Mr EliteL - Mar 27th, 2025

It may have been one of laughing or acting somewhat frantically, at least that's what I think it was, yet for some reason trying to think of it now I keep getting the image of the darn banana dance emote in my head, which I know definitely wasn't it. XD

Ah yes them onion emotes, those were great indeed. My favourite one out of them was the embarrased questioning one.

RE: What Was/Is Your Favorite IM Platform? - Moonface - Mar 28th, 2025

(Mar 27th, 2025, 03:06 PM)Mr EliteL Wrote:
It may have been one of laughing or acting somewhat frantically, at least that's what I think it was, yet for some reason trying to think of it now I keep getting the image of the darn banana dance emote in my head, which I know definitely wasn't it. XD
I'm gonna throw out these as random guesses for what it could be:

[Image: m0124.gif] [Image: m01100.gif]

There are others I have in mind but I can't find them, so I'll ask was the emote ever used on EGF or did it at least have the style of the ones I have in this post? If I knew anything about at least the visual style I could try and narrow it down.