Our Privacy Policy
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Moonlighter (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 28,707
Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
Universal Gaming
Our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy defines how we use and protect the information you provide while using Universal Gaming, an internet forum/message board. Universal Gaming (also referred to as "we", "forum", "site", "website") is committed to protecting your information. The information you provide will only be used for lawful purposes, in accordance with this policy.

Information We Collect
While using this website, we may require or use information based on your user type. Some information is collected automatically. Other information is provided by you at your discretion.

Unregistered Users:
Information collected from visitors (guests) of the forum, without logging in, includes:
  • IP (Internet) Address
  • Geographic Location
  • Pages Visited
  • Length of Visit
  • Browser Information (Version, Operating System)
Registered Users:
If you create an account on this forum, you are creating a profile page that both registered and unregistered users (the public) can view. Information collected from registered users includes that collected from unregistered users as stated above, as well as the following:
  • Username/Login Name
  • Avatar or Profile Photo (if provided)
  • Email Address
  • Hashed Password
  • Website address, birthdate, location, biography, gender, personal notepad (if provided)
Information You Disclose Publicly:
We provide a platform that allows users to store and transmit content over the internet. This may include personal information about yourself that you choose to disclose. For example, when writing a post, you might include your name and address information. This could also include information stored in your user profile. It is your responsibility to carefully choose what information you disclose.

How Is My Information Used?
The information you provide to us is used in the following lawful ways:
  • To provide access to the forums
  • Sending relevant notices through email
  • The ability to provide certain features
  • Maintaining the integrity of and moderating discussions
  • To provide advertising
  • For legitimate business needs
  • To comply with legal requests by law enforcement agencies
Information Security:
We are committed to protecting the information you provide to us. To prevent unauthorized access, we have made a best effort putting safeguards in place to secure the information we collect. We do not store your password in plain-text in the database, it is saved as a password hash. We will inform you about any data breaches that occur.

Browser Cookies:
We use browser cookies to provide certain functionality on the forum. Cookies are tiny text files stored within your web browser. The information stored in these cookies may include site preferences, session identification, HTTP information, and your IP address. You can set your browser to block and not process these cookies if you choose, but this will degrade the forum experience we offer. 

Universal Gaming Cookies:
These cookies are set directly by us in our domain or any subdomains.
  • Session Cookies: These cookies are set when you enter our website and remain in your browser until cleared. These are stored in memory and not typically saved after the browser is closed. These cookies do not collect information from a user's computer.
  • User Cookies: These cookies are used to remember your preferences on our forum, such as login details, pages viewed, and any actions you perform. These cookies remain after the browser is closed. The names of the cookies we use are defined below.
Third-Party Cookies:
Third party cookies are set by other websites not affiliated with Universal Gaming. These include areas such as Google Analytics, Google Adsense, Youtube, Amazon, ReCAPTCHA, and other third parties. These cookies help the advertiser better reach their audience. You can set your browser to block and not process these cookies if you choose.

IP Addresses:
IP addresses of all visitors (guests and registered users) are stored in our database. This occurs during any visit or forum interaction, such as registering for an account, posting messages, and managing your account details. IP addresses are not visible to the public at any time.

Controlling Your Information:
  • You may choose to limit or remove specific information about yourself on the UserCP page.
  • You may adjust what types of communications you receive in your account settings.
  • You may request that we delete all personal information that we are storing should you wish to close your account and no longer remain a member.
  • Your posts on this forum are not considered personal information unless they contain it, and we are not required to delete them, or provide them to you at any time.
  • Your account may be anonymized, but not physically deleted to comply with removal requests. This is to protect the integrity of discussions on the forum.
If you discover any personal information that you are unable to change or delete yourself, please contact us as soon as possible so the necessary changes can be made.

Additional Disclosures:
Do Not Track:
The "do not track" functionality of your browser lets websites know your preferences across the internet. The "do not track" setting is not processed on this forum because we do not track individual users across the internet.

Children's Privacy:
We do not solicit or knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. By creating an account on the forum, you are certifying that you are age 13 or older. If we receive knowledge that information has been collected from a child under the age of 13, the information will be deleted.

Third Party Websites:
The forum may contain links to other websites outside of Universal Gaming. These websites may or may not be affiliated with Universal Gaming. We have no control over external websites and therefore this policy no longer applies and we cannot be held responsible for the information, or the privacy of any information you provide, to such sites.
[Image: hbCSi7H.gif]

I, the Philosophical Sponge of Marbles, send you on a quest for the Golden Chewing Gum of the Whoop-A-Ding-Dong Desert under the sea!
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Moonlighter (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 28,707 Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
Universal Gaming
Our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy defines how we use and protect the information you provide while using Universal Gaming, an internet forum/message board. Universal Gaming (also referred to as "we", "forum", "site", "website") is committed to protecting your information. The information you provide will only be used for lawful purposes, in accordance with this policy.

Information We Collect
While using this website, we may require or use information based on your user type. Some information is collected automatically. Other information is provided by you at your discretion.

Unregistered Users:
Information collected from visitors (guests) of the forum, without logging in, includes:
  • IP (Internet) Address
  • Geographic Location
  • Pages Visited
  • Length of Visit
  • Browser Information (Version, Operating System)
Registered Users:
If you create an account on this forum, you are creating a profile page that both registered and unregistered users (the public) can view. Information collected from registered users includes that collected from unregistered users as stated above, as well as the following:
  • Username/Login Name
  • Avatar or Profile Photo (if provided)
  • Email Address
  • Hashed Password
  • Website address, birthdate, location, biography, gender, personal notepad (if provided)
Information You Disclose Publicly:
We provide a platform that allows users to store and transmit content over the internet. This may include personal information about yourself that you choose to disclose. For example, when writing a post, you might include your name and address information. This could also include information stored in your user profile. It is your responsibility to carefully choose what information you disclose.

How Is My Information Used?
The information you provide to us is used in the following lawful ways:
  • To provide access to the forums
  • Sending relevant notices through email
  • The ability to provide certain features
  • Maintaining the integrity of and moderating discussions
  • To provide advertising
  • For legitimate business needs
  • To comply with legal requests by law enforcement agencies
Information Security:
We are committed to protecting the information you provide to us. To prevent unauthorized access, we have made a best effort putting safeguards in place to secure the information we collect. We do not store your password in plain-text in the database, it is saved as a password hash. We will inform you about any data breaches that occur.

Browser Cookies:
We use browser cookies to provide certain functionality on the forum. Cookies are tiny text files stored within your web browser. The information stored in these cookies may include site preferences, session identification, HTTP information, and your IP address. You can set your browser to block and not process these cookies if you choose, but this will degrade the forum experience we offer. 

Universal Gaming Cookies:
These cookies are set directly by us in our domain or any subdomains.
  • Session Cookies: These cookies are set when you enter our website and remain in your browser until cleared. These are stored in memory and not typically saved after the browser is closed. These cookies do not collect information from a user's computer.
  • User Cookies: These cookies are used to remember your preferences on our forum, such as login details, pages viewed, and any actions you perform. These cookies remain after the browser is closed. The names of the cookies we use are defined below.
Third-Party Cookies:
Third party cookies are set by other websites not affiliated with Universal Gaming. These include areas such as Google Analytics, Google Adsense, Youtube, Amazon, ReCAPTCHA, and other third parties. These cookies help the advertiser better reach their audience. You can set your browser to block and not process these cookies if you choose.

IP Addresses:
IP addresses of all visitors (guests and registered users) are stored in our database. This occurs during any visit or forum interaction, such as registering for an account, posting messages, and managing your account details. IP addresses are not visible to the public at any time.

Controlling Your Information:
  • You may choose to limit or remove specific information about yourself on the UserCP page.
  • You may adjust what types of communications you receive in your account settings.
  • You may request that we delete all personal information that we are storing should you wish to close your account and no longer remain a member.
  • Your posts on this forum are not considered personal information unless they contain it, and we are not required to delete them, or provide them to you at any time.
  • Your account may be anonymized, but not physically deleted to comply with removal requests. This is to protect the integrity of discussions on the forum.
If you discover any personal information that you are unable to change or delete yourself, please contact us as soon as possible so the necessary changes can be made.

Additional Disclosures:
Do Not Track:
The "do not track" functionality of your browser lets websites know your preferences across the internet. The "do not track" setting is not processed on this forum because we do not track individual users across the internet.

Children's Privacy:
We do not solicit or knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. By creating an account on the forum, you are certifying that you are age 13 or older. If we receive knowledge that information has been collected from a child under the age of 13, the information will be deleted.

Third Party Websites:
The forum may contain links to other websites outside of Universal Gaming. These websites may or may not be affiliated with Universal Gaming. We have no control over external websites and therefore this policy no longer applies and we cannot be held responsible for the information, or the privacy of any information you provide, to such sites.

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