*Uncloaks* Been here... All along.
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
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XP: 268
Mega Man Bioshock 
I figured it out quickly since I don't usually get friend requests, and your avatar is D.VA lol.

Well, that's a bit cryptic. Not sure I understand. But okie doks.

Thanks for the welcome!

Some of my posts are satire, so don't take me too seriously! : P
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
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Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
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XP: 268 Mega Man Bioshock 
I figured it out quickly since I don't usually get friend requests, and your avatar is D.VA lol.

Well, that's a bit cryptic. Not sure I understand. But okie doks.

Thanks for the welcome!
macGamr Offline
Irony represent.
Jun 2018
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The game of life
XP: 184
(Jun 11th, 2018, 05:06 AM)Hotspot Wrote:
Well, that's a bit cryptic. Not sure I understand. But okie doks.
Maybe I should elaborate... queenzelda told me of you during the early days of a forum I had, and that I was "Bry", if that name meant anything to you Wink
[Image: E12av.png]
Gamers welcome also, yeah.
macGamr Offline
Irony represent.
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
The game of life
XP: 184
(Jun 11th, 2018, 05:06 AM)Hotspot Wrote:
Well, that's a bit cryptic. Not sure I understand. But okie doks.
Maybe I should elaborate... queenzelda told me of you during the early days of a forum I had, and that I was "Bry", if that name meant anything to you Wink
Kyng Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 9,156
Mario Kart Halloween Birthday Bash Persona 
Good to see you again, Hotspot!

Hope you're enjoying your new job Grin .
Kyng Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 9,156 Mario Kart Halloween Birthday Bash Persona 
Good to see you again, Hotspot!

Hope you're enjoying your new job Grin .
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
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Moonlighter (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
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XP: 28,707
Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
What's your favourite Arcade mode in Overwatch? Also, what character do you hate going up against the most?
[Image: hbCSi7H.gif]

I, the Philosophical Sponge of Marbles, send you on a quest for the Golden Chewing Gum of the Whoop-A-Ding-Dong Desert under the sea!
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
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Moonlighter (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
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PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 28,707 Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
What's your favourite Arcade mode in Overwatch? Also, what character do you hate going up against the most?
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
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Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
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XP: 268
Mega Man Bioshock 

Oh, I see. That's cool! I feel like the legendary hero from an ancient prophecy now! lol


Glad to be back!

I can't believe I've been there a month already! It's really strict, which I'm not a fan of. Like so far, I keep finding things I don't like about it, over liking it. But I just need this time to work on my Designs, so I can get a Graphic Design job.


My favorite mode is No Limits, because I get to play who I want, without repercussions. But I don't like that they don't record who you play in it the most.. etc. But then I can also play characters I don't want people to know how much I've played them as. Like Mercy, because I want her to be one of my least played heroes.
But I also play lot's of Mystery Heroes, I like that it's more unsuspecting. It's a bit more interesting because you are forced to play these characters, and you just have to do what you can.. so it's more challenging in a way. But at the same time, it makes me want to play certain heroes afterwards. lol Lately, I probably play more Mystery Heroes the most, even surpassing quickplay. I have four hours on Ana, 3 on Sombra. Almost all the characters are on like 3 hours now, except for Moira, Doomfish, and Briggitte. Moira & Doomie, are on two, with Moira in the lead, becauseIcan'yplayDoomfisttosavemylife, Briggitte is new, so I don't get her that much yet. I was really mad the other day, I finally got to play Briggitte in MH, and this asshole Tracer used her ult on me, so It switched to someone else, and then the entire round, I only got killed by that one asshole. Like I get really annoyed when I'm playing a character I really like, or that I want to get more hours on in MH, and I get killed instantly. I was probably playing her for a minute, until I my ass got blasted into space. Like it was a solo ult, it was so rude. But I'm a respectable lady, I just yell to myself and move on, and not be rude to other players.
Although sometimes, I'll type "Rude", in the comments. lol Because sometimes they just kill me in a rude way, and I want them to know. lol

I used to hate being against Roadhog, but he doesn't bother me as much anymore. But the one character I hate going against, is Reinhardt!
Fighting against him isn't a problem, it's just, I've been instantly killed by his charge so many times... and it's aggravating. Like one time, I was playing Tracer. I got charged by a Rein, and died. Then, I get out of spawn, and the dick face instantly charges at me again.. like I literally just came out of spawn.. So I was dead again. I said in the comments something like " Can you not?", and they left me alone. But I feel I get charged at too frequently.. But I've also learned how to dodge it, and now I always die by an unsuspecting charge (Like from behind, except I'm not saying harder daddy jk).
But I hate going against Rein, I think he's so annoying. When I play him in mystery heroes, he's also boring to play as.. I just end up sitting there with a shield. Although I do get POTG with him a lot in MH, I may not like him, but I did save some highlights. I don't have a problem with Rein as a character, I just hate playing as/against him.
I find Orisa to be better than him, which is weird because everyone prefers Rein over Orisa. Orisa can place a shield, and shoot people at the same time.. you can't do that with Rein, it's one or the other.

Some of my posts are satire, so don't take me too seriously! : P
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 268 Mega Man Bioshock 

Oh, I see. That's cool! I feel like the legendary hero from an ancient prophecy now! lol


Glad to be back!

I can't believe I've been there a month already! It's really strict, which I'm not a fan of. Like so far, I keep finding things I don't like about it, over liking it. But I just need this time to work on my Designs, so I can get a Graphic Design job.


My favorite mode is No Limits, because I get to play who I want, without repercussions. But I don't like that they don't record who you play in it the most.. etc. But then I can also play characters I don't want people to know how much I've played them as. Like Mercy, because I want her to be one of my least played heroes.
But I also play lot's of Mystery Heroes, I like that it's more unsuspecting. It's a bit more interesting because you are forced to play these characters, and you just have to do what you can.. so it's more challenging in a way. But at the same time, it makes me want to play certain heroes afterwards. lol Lately, I probably play more Mystery Heroes the most, even surpassing quickplay. I have four hours on Ana, 3 on Sombra. Almost all the characters are on like 3 hours now, except for Moira, Doomfish, and Briggitte. Moira & Doomie, are on two, with Moira in the lead, becauseIcan'yplayDoomfisttosavemylife, Briggitte is new, so I don't get her that much yet. I was really mad the other day, I finally got to play Briggitte in MH, and this asshole Tracer used her ult on me, so It switched to someone else, and then the entire round, I only got killed by that one asshole. Like I get really annoyed when I'm playing a character I really like, or that I want to get more hours on in MH, and I get killed instantly. I was probably playing her for a minute, until I my ass got blasted into space. Like it was a solo ult, it was so rude. But I'm a respectable lady, I just yell to myself and move on, and not be rude to other players.
Although sometimes, I'll type "Rude", in the comments. lol Because sometimes they just kill me in a rude way, and I want them to know. lol

I used to hate being against Roadhog, but he doesn't bother me as much anymore. But the one character I hate going against, is Reinhardt!
Fighting against him isn't a problem, it's just, I've been instantly killed by his charge so many times... and it's aggravating. Like one time, I was playing Tracer. I got charged by a Rein, and died. Then, I get out of spawn, and the dick face instantly charges at me again.. like I literally just came out of spawn.. So I was dead again. I said in the comments something like " Can you not?", and they left me alone. But I feel I get charged at too frequently.. But I've also learned how to dodge it, and now I always die by an unsuspecting charge (Like from behind, except I'm not saying harder daddy jk).
But I hate going against Rein, I think he's so annoying. When I play him in mystery heroes, he's also boring to play as.. I just end up sitting there with a shield. Although I do get POTG with him a lot in MH, I may not like him, but I did save some highlights. I don't have a problem with Rein as a character, I just hate playing as/against him.
I find Orisa to be better than him, which is weird because everyone prefers Rein over Orisa. Orisa can place a shield, and shoot people at the same time.. you can't do that with Rein, it's one or the other.
Kyng Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 9,156
Mario Kart Halloween Birthday Bash Persona 
Well, that is a shame that it's so strict Sad . Still, at least you're willing to press ahead with it - and I wish you the best of luck there Smile !
Kyng Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 9,156 Mario Kart Halloween Birthday Bash Persona 
Well, that is a shame that it's so strict Sad . Still, at least you're willing to press ahead with it - and I wish you the best of luck there Smile !
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
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Moonlighter (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
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PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 28,707
Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
(Jun 16th, 2018, 06:39 PM)Hotspot Wrote:
But I hate going against Rein, I think he's so annoying. When I play him in mystery heroes, he's also boring to play as.. I just end up sitting there with a shield. Although I do get POTG with him a lot in MH, I may not like him, but I did save some highlights. I don't have a problem with Rein as a character, I just hate playing as/against him.
Ooh, you'd hate playing against me then. Rein is one of my most used characters, and the charge is one of my favourite attacks for any character in the entire game. XD
[Image: hbCSi7H.gif]

I, the Philosophical Sponge of Marbles, send you on a quest for the Golden Chewing Gum of the Whoop-A-Ding-Dong Desert under the sea!
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Moonlighter (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 28,707 Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
(Jun 16th, 2018, 06:39 PM)Hotspot Wrote:
But I hate going against Rein, I think he's so annoying. When I play him in mystery heroes, he's also boring to play as.. I just end up sitting there with a shield. Although I do get POTG with him a lot in MH, I may not like him, but I did save some highlights. I don't have a problem with Rein as a character, I just hate playing as/against him.
Ooh, you'd hate playing against me then. Rein is one of my most used characters, and the charge is one of my favourite attacks for any character in the entire game. XD
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
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Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
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XP: 268
Mega Man Bioshock 

One day is good, then the next is bad.. it's rather weird, but at least it counts as work experience. lol

Really random, but everyone says Briggitte is a great Rein counter... but I disagree, because any time I go against one, I die as Briggitte.

Some of my posts are satire, so don't take me too seriously! : P
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 268 Mega Man Bioshock 

One day is good, then the next is bad.. it's rather weird, but at least it counts as work experience. lol

Really random, but everyone says Briggitte is a great Rein counter... but I disagree, because any time I go against one, I die as Briggitte.
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
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XP: 9,401
Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
I have no idea how to effectively play Rein or Briggitte.

I must stick to forever being D.va and Mercy or another support.

Two important questions:


2. Have you done any hacking before in your life?
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,401 Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
I have no idea how to effectively play Rein or Briggitte.

I must stick to forever being D.va and Mercy or another support.

Two important questions:


2. Have you done any hacking before in your life?
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
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Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
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XP: 268
Mega Man Bioshock 
Baguette is a tricky one, she has a 1 star rating on PlayOverwatch, but I think she's a two. Because you have to learn how to heal properly.. I'm the kind of person who stays on the back lines, so it's hard to heal as Briggitte, when I'm constantly in the back, hiding with the shield. I've learned a few things that help.. Her long range attack, where she flings her mace, as long as you hit someone, it activates her area healing ability for a hot second. But sometimes you have to be careful with her, I think I'm starting to actually get the hang of her recently in Quick plays.

I keep getting D.VA in mystery heroes, and I think I'm starting to get decent with her, so watch out! Tongue
I have her voiceline "I get the feeling you're not taking me seriously", as the default, so I just spam it sometimes. lol

1. Yes.

2. Only As Sombra. I like life hacks though, I never use them, but I like them.

Although I find I like hacker characters.. Like Sombra, but also the DC universe shows, all have their quirky, geeky hacker types, like Felicity and Curtis from Arrow, Winn from Supergirl (He's such a cutie!) ,Flash kind of has Cisco, but I'm nuetral on him. But Curtis, Felicity and Winn are awesome sauce.

Would Lucca from Chrono Trigger be considered a hacker? I like her too.. hmm..

Some of my posts are satire, so don't take me too seriously! : P
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 268 Mega Man Bioshock 
Baguette is a tricky one, she has a 1 star rating on PlayOverwatch, but I think she's a two. Because you have to learn how to heal properly.. I'm the kind of person who stays on the back lines, so it's hard to heal as Briggitte, when I'm constantly in the back, hiding with the shield. I've learned a few things that help.. Her long range attack, where she flings her mace, as long as you hit someone, it activates her area healing ability for a hot second. But sometimes you have to be careful with her, I think I'm starting to actually get the hang of her recently in Quick plays.

I keep getting D.VA in mystery heroes, and I think I'm starting to get decent with her, so watch out! Tongue
I have her voiceline "I get the feeling you're not taking me seriously", as the default, so I just spam it sometimes. lol

1. Yes.

2. Only As Sombra. I like life hacks though, I never use them, but I like them.

Although I find I like hacker characters.. Like Sombra, but also the DC universe shows, all have their quirky, geeky hacker types, like Felicity and Curtis from Arrow, Winn from Supergirl (He's such a cutie!) ,Flash kind of has Cisco, but I'm nuetral on him. But Curtis, Felicity and Winn are awesome sauce.

Would Lucca from Chrono Trigger be considered a hacker? I like her too.. hmm..
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,401
Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
I'm going to be honest friend. I didn't know she had an actual healing ability. XD

Oh no! Another D.va...there can only be one! It will be me! D:<  I actually really like her voicelines they are all so trolly. "AYY EFF KAYY" "LOVE D.VA" "GEE GEE" lots of fun.

BTW when your battling against someone that using the same character as you do you feel a sense of rivalry and must prove you are the best at your character? I actually just really enjoy those moments, but admittedly attacking another tank might not be the best idea. I enjoy it. XD  ROFL

Well it kinda a similar archetype isn't it? Inventor/Hacker/Tech Geek type of character. You might just like the usual personality given with these type of characters. Smile

I am waiting for the day we have a genius hacker...but acts like a complete moron and nobody understands how they pull it off.
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 9,401 Phogs (Shiny) Summer Meltdown Sonic the Hedgehog (Shiny) 
I'm going to be honest friend. I didn't know she had an actual healing ability. XD

Oh no! Another D.va...there can only be one! It will be me! D:<  I actually really like her voicelines they are all so trolly. "AYY EFF KAYY" "LOVE D.VA" "GEE GEE" lots of fun.

BTW when your battling against someone that using the same character as you do you feel a sense of rivalry and must prove you are the best at your character? I actually just really enjoy those moments, but admittedly attacking another tank might not be the best idea. I enjoy it. XD  ROFL

Well it kinda a similar archetype isn't it? Inventor/Hacker/Tech Geek type of character. You might just like the usual personality given with these type of characters. Smile

I am waiting for the day we have a genius hacker...but acts like a complete moron and nobody understands how they pull it off.
queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
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[Switch] Pokemon Violet [Switch] ACNH [Steam] BK:EW&tLO
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XP: 10,194
Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
Hotspot, if you ever want a reason to get a PS4, NiNoKuni 2 is that reason. Why? Cause its so much like Suikoden that I gave it up playing cause I got mad at it for trying to be so much like Suikoden.

question: Are you going to miss your forums once tapatalk migrates them over from zb?
[Image: palwor10.png]
[Image: ffix-p10.png]
queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
[Switch] Pokemon Violet [Switch] ACNH [Steam] BK:EW&tLO
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 10,194 Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
Hotspot, if you ever want a reason to get a PS4, NiNoKuni 2 is that reason. Why? Cause its so much like Suikoden that I gave it up playing cause I got mad at it for trying to be so much like Suikoden.

question: Are you going to miss your forums once tapatalk migrates them over from zb?
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
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Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
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XP: 268
Mega Man Bioshock 

Yeah, she can throw armor packs, that also heal, which has a cool down of like 6 seconds. Her passive ability, is if she hits someone with her mace, an area heal like Lucio, is activated for a few seconds. So essentially, she has a better HP heal than Lucio with her armor packs, but Lucio can heal constantly, where she has to keep hitting people to heal.

I only feel a sense of rivalry, if it's another Sombra, even if I'm not playing her.

The funny thing is, in other games, where you play against AI.. mainly Twisted Metal games, I hate killing my favorite characters, but in Overwatch, it doesn't bother me. lol

Yeah, perhaps I do like that character type. Just like in the Suikoden games, there's two particular groups that are actually noted in the games... There's the narcissists, which are flamboyant (usually guys) characters, with flower themes, and all about friendship, roses, and wearing fashionable clothing! (There's 9 narcissists altogether, but only two are girls, one being annoying and useless, that I based a character off of her...) Suikoden II and IV, both have a pair of Narci's, who are best friends, and have a very similar combo attack that mimics the hero character, which I thought was a funny thing to add (And continue the continuation.. for lack of better word)
But I also find myself drawn to these feminine male characters, like Pierre from Chrono Cross.

If anyone is curious.

Suikoden II
:10-:20 The hero, Riou, and his friend Jowy do a spin attack. 
2:57-3:09 Simone, and Vincent put on a flowery show!

Both of their attacks are an all enemies attack where they spin in a circle and cut through.

:40-:49 is the hero, Lazlo, and his attack with the pirate Kika! 
1:20-1:38, is Reinbach and Charlemagne's fabulous performance.

Both of their attacks end up with a mini cyclone type of attack.

Funny you mention the inventor part... Because one of Suikoden's other sub-category, is the Trickster. https://suikoden.wikia.com/wiki/Trickster
 These characters usually have colorful clothing, and have bells, or orbs on their outfits. They tend to be inventors (One of them is a robot named Gadget). Some of them are my favorite characters as well. There's Meg, who is knife thrower, and appears in the first two Suikodens. She has an ability to call a small doll from the sky, and lunge it's body into an enemy. There's Belle, Meg's daughter, who appears in the third game(Takes place 15 years after the game Meg is in, so Meg was a teenager in the first two games, and then not in the third, essentially Meg ran off on an adventure and just left her 15 year old daughter to do whatever... ).. Then Rita, in the fourth game, and Lu, from the fifth game, who is a wacky character with a crossbow, she's the weakest character in the game, but has one of the best damage outputs. She also has a weird ability like Meg, where she summons crossbows from the sky and they just fall on everyone's face. Tricksters are weird, but I like them, they're kooky. 
But I do like those gadget type characters, and the flamboyant ones too! I also like the happy go lucky characters too. 
I would consider Hans, from Growlanser 2, a trickster as well. He's not the inventor type, but he's funny and mischievous, also one of the rare games like Suikoden that has political drama, and throwing knife characters.

I petition the next Overwatch character to have an ult, where crossbows just fall from the sky! 

That's a cool idea.. In one of my stories, I created a girl named Leora (Based off of Cleopatra in appearance.). She's the most amazing mage of all time, but she's dumb as dirt, so she has so much wasted potential. She's too busy realizing she has 10 fingers. 


I want to try those games, as well as Xenoblade Chronicles too. 

I'm going to miss my journal, because I was using it as a resource for myself. But other than that, I won't. I've decided that I just don't really have time for forums anymore. lol

Also, I started a favorite video game characters list on Pinterest. It's not finished, but it's got 200 characters already. Wowzers!


I also really like "Creative characters". Chrono Cross has a plethora of these... from a skeleton clown, a talking pink dog, to a walking talking voo doo doll that says BOOGUM all the time.

Some of my posts are satire, so don't take me too seriously! : P
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 268 Mega Man Bioshock 

Yeah, she can throw armor packs, that also heal, which has a cool down of like 6 seconds. Her passive ability, is if she hits someone with her mace, an area heal like Lucio, is activated for a few seconds. So essentially, she has a better HP heal than Lucio with her armor packs, but Lucio can heal constantly, where she has to keep hitting people to heal.

I only feel a sense of rivalry, if it's another Sombra, even if I'm not playing her.

The funny thing is, in other games, where you play against AI.. mainly Twisted Metal games, I hate killing my favorite characters, but in Overwatch, it doesn't bother me. lol

Yeah, perhaps I do like that character type. Just like in the Suikoden games, there's two particular groups that are actually noted in the games... There's the narcissists, which are flamboyant (usually guys) characters, with flower themes, and all about friendship, roses, and wearing fashionable clothing! (There's 9 narcissists altogether, but only two are girls, one being annoying and useless, that I based a character off of her...) Suikoden II and IV, both have a pair of Narci's, who are best friends, and have a very similar combo attack that mimics the hero character, which I thought was a funny thing to add (And continue the continuation.. for lack of better word)
But I also find myself drawn to these feminine male characters, like Pierre from Chrono Cross.

If anyone is curious.

Suikoden II
:10-:20 The hero, Riou, and his friend Jowy do a spin attack. 
2:57-3:09 Simone, and Vincent put on a flowery show!

Both of their attacks are an all enemies attack where they spin in a circle and cut through.

:40-:49 is the hero, Lazlo, and his attack with the pirate Kika! 
1:20-1:38, is Reinbach and Charlemagne's fabulous performance.

Both of their attacks end up with a mini cyclone type of attack.

Funny you mention the inventor part... Because one of Suikoden's other sub-category, is the Trickster. https://suikoden.wikia.com/wiki/Trickster
 These characters usually have colorful clothing, and have bells, or orbs on their outfits. They tend to be inventors (One of them is a robot named Gadget). Some of them are my favorite characters as well. There's Meg, who is knife thrower, and appears in the first two Suikodens. She has an ability to call a small doll from the sky, and lunge it's body into an enemy. There's Belle, Meg's daughter, who appears in the third game(Takes place 15 years after the game Meg is in, so Meg was a teenager in the first two games, and then not in the third, essentially Meg ran off on an adventure and just left her 15 year old daughter to do whatever... ).. Then Rita, in the fourth game, and Lu, from the fifth game, who is a wacky character with a crossbow, she's the weakest character in the game, but has one of the best damage outputs. She also has a weird ability like Meg, where she summons crossbows from the sky and they just fall on everyone's face. Tricksters are weird, but I like them, they're kooky. 
But I do like those gadget type characters, and the flamboyant ones too! I also like the happy go lucky characters too. 
I would consider Hans, from Growlanser 2, a trickster as well. He's not the inventor type, but he's funny and mischievous, also one of the rare games like Suikoden that has political drama, and throwing knife characters.

I petition the next Overwatch character to have an ult, where crossbows just fall from the sky! 

That's a cool idea.. In one of my stories, I created a girl named Leora (Based off of Cleopatra in appearance.). She's the most amazing mage of all time, but she's dumb as dirt, so she has so much wasted potential. She's too busy realizing she has 10 fingers. 


I want to try those games, as well as Xenoblade Chronicles too. 

I'm going to miss my journal, because I was using it as a resource for myself. But other than that, I won't. I've decided that I just don't really have time for forums anymore. lol

Also, I started a favorite video game characters list on Pinterest. It's not finished, but it's got 200 characters already. Wowzers!


I also really like "Creative characters". Chrono Cross has a plethora of these... from a skeleton clown, a talking pink dog, to a walking talking voo doo doll that says BOOGUM all the time.
queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
[Switch] Pokemon Violet [Switch] ACNH [Steam] BK:EW&tLO
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 10,194
Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
*Gasp* No time for forums? Yet, dood here you are. xD

question: What's your favorite desert?
[Image: palwor10.png]
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queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
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*Gasp* No time for forums? Yet, dood here you are. xD

question: What's your favorite desert?
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
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Mega Man Bioshock 
Cheescake is my favorite dessert~! As well as Chocolate or Vanilla cake.

Some of my posts are satire, so don't take me too seriously! : P
Hotspot Offline
Does this avatar make me look fat?
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Legend of Zorldo: Breath of the Winds
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XP: 268 Mega Man Bioshock 
Cheescake is my favorite dessert~! As well as Chocolate or Vanilla cake.

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