Why Did You Lose Interest in Something?
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
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Whether it's a change in tastes, getting older, or something losing the appeal it once had, we all have things we were into that over time we lost some or all interest in. So, what things are they for you?

Wrestling is the first thing that comes to mind for me. I was really into it from 2003 to about 2008, but my interest had started to deteriorate from about 2006. By 2008 though I barely cared for WWE programming any more. The type of product it was when I got into it was no longer what it was, and I got tired of how repetitive or safe everything was beginning to feel. The announcers became annoying to listen to, and Raw and Smackdown felt like it was more talking than wrestling. The PPV's didn't do that but I couldn't care for matches that were just the same shit I'd already seen. Special matches like Hell in a Cell or Elimination Chamber got moved to their own PPV's where the match was always guaranteed to be used, even if it didn't actually make sense story wise, so the hype that was attached to those match announcements completely died. Everything just became predictable to the point there was no suspension of disbelief.
I'll still have the odd look into wrestling stuff just to see if it ever has moments worth checking out or if the programming might be going back to something better, but it's more from curiosity than having an interest in the stuff like I once had.

There's a few manga I've read where I lost interest, such as Bleach and Fairy Tail, but I continued to read them because I had already spent so long reading everything so far, that I figured I may as well keep going just to see it through to the end, and in the case of Bleach I just wanted to see how it was going to actually end. Bleach's issue was the Sternritter arc being just....bad, and Fairy Tail killed my interest with the constant attempts of trying to establish stakes and consequences that would always result in everything ending up good. Killed a character? Just rewind time. Broke every bone in your body? You'll still magically win the fight. By all means do that but don't spend the entire time trying to make me believe you'll do different to that but never actually do. It made it so hard to be invested in what's happening when a lot of what is trying to be established is blatant bullshit. Errm
[Image: hbCSi7H.gif]

I, the Philosophical Sponge of Marbles, send you on a quest for the Golden Chewing Gum of the Whoop-A-Ding-Dong Desert under the sea!
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
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XP: 28,707 Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
Whether it's a change in tastes, getting older, or something losing the appeal it once had, we all have things we were into that over time we lost some or all interest in. So, what things are they for you?

Wrestling is the first thing that comes to mind for me. I was really into it from 2003 to about 2008, but my interest had started to deteriorate from about 2006. By 2008 though I barely cared for WWE programming any more. The type of product it was when I got into it was no longer what it was, and I got tired of how repetitive or safe everything was beginning to feel. The announcers became annoying to listen to, and Raw and Smackdown felt like it was more talking than wrestling. The PPV's didn't do that but I couldn't care for matches that were just the same shit I'd already seen. Special matches like Hell in a Cell or Elimination Chamber got moved to their own PPV's where the match was always guaranteed to be used, even if it didn't actually make sense story wise, so the hype that was attached to those match announcements completely died. Everything just became predictable to the point there was no suspension of disbelief.
I'll still have the odd look into wrestling stuff just to see if it ever has moments worth checking out or if the programming might be going back to something better, but it's more from curiosity than having an interest in the stuff like I once had.

There's a few manga I've read where I lost interest, such as Bleach and Fairy Tail, but I continued to read them because I had already spent so long reading everything so far, that I figured I may as well keep going just to see it through to the end, and in the case of Bleach I just wanted to see how it was going to actually end. Bleach's issue was the Sternritter arc being just....bad, and Fairy Tail killed my interest with the constant attempts of trying to establish stakes and consequences that would always result in everything ending up good. Killed a character? Just rewind time. Broke every bone in your body? You'll still magically win the fight. By all means do that but don't spend the entire time trying to make me believe you'll do different to that but never actually do. It made it so hard to be invested in what's happening when a lot of what is trying to be established is blatant bullshit. Errm
WR91 Offline
Sep 2020
XP: 4,670
Wrestling is another great thing I lost interest in. From 1999 until 2014 it was my number one thing I followed and cared about.

In 2014 I lost cable and the internet for about 4 to 6 months and when I finally got it back, it was like too much had changed and I didn't want to go back and catch up. So I watched occasionally from then until now and haven't ever fully gotten back invested.
WR91 Offline
Sep 2020
XP: 4,670
Wrestling is another great thing I lost interest in. From 1999 until 2014 it was my number one thing I followed and cared about.

In 2014 I lost cable and the internet for about 4 to 6 months and when I finally got it back, it was like too much had changed and I didn't want to go back and catch up. So I watched occasionally from then until now and haven't ever fully gotten back invested.
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
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Moonlighter (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
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XP: 28,707
Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
(Sep 28th, 2020, 11:28 PM)WrestleRacer91 Wrote:
In 2014 I lost cable and the internet for about 4 to 6 months and when I finally got it back, it was like too much had changed and I didn't want to go back and catch up. So I watched occasionally from then until now and haven't ever fully gotten back invested.
I find the easiest way to catch up, at least for WWE programming, is to just jump in at WrestleMania. Normally every big story is explained with a good video package because WWE know that some people only tune in for that one event, and so need to know what's going on. If a story continues you have context and if not, it's new and you don't have to catch up. Most stories that go beyond WM normally end by SummerSlam, and those tend to be just title feuds.

@ShiraNoMai might be able to say how good they do with informing viewers since she's watched a few with me and she knows virtually nothing about wrestling.
[Image: hbCSi7H.gif]

I, the Philosophical Sponge of Marbles, send you on a quest for the Golden Chewing Gum of the Whoop-A-Ding-Dong Desert under the sea!
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Moonlighter (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 28,707 Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
(Sep 28th, 2020, 11:28 PM)WrestleRacer91 Wrote:
In 2014 I lost cable and the internet for about 4 to 6 months and when I finally got it back, it was like too much had changed and I didn't want to go back and catch up. So I watched occasionally from then until now and haven't ever fully gotten back invested.
I find the easiest way to catch up, at least for WWE programming, is to just jump in at WrestleMania. Normally every big story is explained with a good video package because WWE know that some people only tune in for that one event, and so need to know what's going on. If a story continues you have context and if not, it's new and you don't have to catch up. Most stories that go beyond WM normally end by SummerSlam, and those tend to be just title feuds.

@ShiraNoMai might be able to say how good they do with informing viewers since she's watched a few with me and she knows virtually nothing about wrestling.
WR91 Offline
Sep 2020
XP: 4,670
(Sep 29th, 2020, 11:43 PM)Moonface Wrote:
(Sep 28th, 2020, 11:28 PM)WrestleRacer91 Wrote:
In 2014 I lost cable and the internet for about 4 to 6 months and when I finally got it back, it was like too much had changed and I didn't want to go back and catch up. So I watched occasionally from then until now and haven't ever fully gotten back invested.
I find the easiest way to catch up, at least for WWE programming, is to just jump in at WrestleMania. Normally every big story is explained with a good video package because WWE know that some people only tune in for that one event, and so need to know what's going on. If a story continues you have context and if not, it's new and you don't have to catch up. Most stories that go beyond WM normally end by SummerSlam, and those tend to be just title feuds.

@ShiraNoMai might be able to say how good they do with informing viewers since she's watched a few with me and she knows virtually nothing about wrestling.
I actually got the WWE Network back since I was offered it for .99 cents for a month yesterday and watched Clash of Champions and I must say, it wasn't too bad.
WR91 Offline
Sep 2020
XP: 4,670
(Sep 29th, 2020, 11:43 PM)Moonface Wrote:
(Sep 28th, 2020, 11:28 PM)WrestleRacer91 Wrote:
In 2014 I lost cable and the internet for about 4 to 6 months and when I finally got it back, it was like too much had changed and I didn't want to go back and catch up. So I watched occasionally from then until now and haven't ever fully gotten back invested.
I find the easiest way to catch up, at least for WWE programming, is to just jump in at WrestleMania. Normally every big story is explained with a good video package because WWE know that some people only tune in for that one event, and so need to know what's going on. If a story continues you have context and if not, it's new and you don't have to catch up. Most stories that go beyond WM normally end by SummerSlam, and those tend to be just title feuds.

@ShiraNoMai might be able to say how good they do with informing viewers since she's watched a few with me and she knows virtually nothing about wrestling.
I actually got the WWE Network back since I was offered it for .99 cents for a month yesterday and watched Clash of Champions and I must say, it wasn't too bad.

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