Which caption is the best?
The end of Spiderman: Volume 1: How bullshit fucked him over.
0 0%
Spider-Man regrets his choice of being the submissive in the relationship...
1 20.00%
*record scratch* *freeze frame* see that guy right there, looks like he hit rock bottom? Yup, that's me, you're probably wondering how I got into this wacky situation, it all started in the summer of '86..."
3 60.00%
How one bad decsion ended Spiderman, story at 11.
1 20.00%
Spiderman getting beat out by all the other games coming out in September
0 0%
5-on-1 is it? Incorrect, as Spiderman and everyone else has failed to notice the newest villain on the block, Dragonflyman.
0 0%
Total: 5 vote(s) 100%