Along Came a Spider | There isn't really another place where this'll fit, so HERE IT GOES!
Maniakkid25 Online
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
Jun 2018
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,534
Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
So, a buddy of mine recently asked me for my opinions of a story he was working on. It was alright, if a little bit lacking over all in description. But I was reminded of a story that I wrote a few years ago. I'm reasonably certain that on the old forum, I did post it, but I'm still very proud of it, so I'm reposting it here! However, instead of posting it in the forum, I'll post a link to my OneDrive here which has the story already formatted so I don't have to worry about Unicode and its UTF-8 crap or whatever. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it.
Maniakkid25 Online
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
Jun 2018
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,534 Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
So, a buddy of mine recently asked me for my opinions of a story he was working on. It was alright, if a little bit lacking over all in description. But I was reminded of a story that I wrote a few years ago. I'm reasonably certain that on the old forum, I did post it, but I'm still very proud of it, so I'm reposting it here! However, instead of posting it in the forum, I'll post a link to my OneDrive here which has the story already formatted so I don't have to worry about Unicode and its UTF-8 crap or whatever. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

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