Digimon World Data Squad: Bigger, Longer, and...
Maniakkid25 Offline
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Jun 2018
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,632
Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 

So, the old guard will probably remember back on an older version of this forum, I posted a review of Digimon World Data Squad as my first ever review. And maybe some of you remember that I also mentioned I have a script for me to do a video review with. Well, I'm finally putting some demons to rest after more than a decade of them giving me hell, and you can watch! Let me tell you...it feels good to finally be able to put this to bed.

For your viewing pleasure, it's available in three parts, or one long mega-cut that is literally 64 minutes long.

Parts 1-3 in a playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...BJfH37UxNP

Mega-cut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PnkZTFw1BY

And now that they are all uploaded, I can't believe I have to say this: I must apologize for any ads that play during part 3 and the mega-cut. I got Content ID'd for using Ryuusei, the 2nd Ending theme from Digimon Savers. This impressed me, considering I used footage from 4 different games, and the anime, AND the goddamn Transformers Movie! But no, no copyright deadlock, just Ryuusei. I'm not gonna remove that song, btw; it's far too thematically appropriate.
Maniakkid25 Offline
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
Jun 2018
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,632 Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 

So, the old guard will probably remember back on an older version of this forum, I posted a review of Digimon World Data Squad as my first ever review. And maybe some of you remember that I also mentioned I have a script for me to do a video review with. Well, I'm finally putting some demons to rest after more than a decade of them giving me hell, and you can watch! Let me tell you...it feels good to finally be able to put this to bed.

For your viewing pleasure, it's available in three parts, or one long mega-cut that is literally 64 minutes long.

Parts 1-3 in a playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...BJfH37UxNP

Mega-cut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PnkZTFw1BY

And now that they are all uploaded, I can't believe I have to say this: I must apologize for any ads that play during part 3 and the mega-cut. I got Content ID'd for using Ryuusei, the 2nd Ending theme from Digimon Savers. This impressed me, considering I used footage from 4 different games, and the anime, AND the goddamn Transformers Movie! But no, no copyright deadlock, just Ryuusei. I'm not gonna remove that song, btw; it's far too thematically appropriate.
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
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I really enjoyed it and feel like you did a great job on editing and mega cut is the only way to go no stops!
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
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I really enjoyed it and feel like you did a great job on editing and mega cut is the only way to go no stops!
Mr EliteL Offline
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Went with the mega-cut. Great video you put together, even if it's a rant but one you finally got out of your system. Gave me a laugh too, damn that game is awful. As soon as I saw the battle system had all those hexagon whatever when choosing, that would keep me away me playing. Not that had any intention of course. Preferred your version of how the game could've been like, as the original plot was not there. Liked it every time you had to say "why can't you do anything right Data Squad?!"

Also did Yuri have moment in there, or was that your voice edited on Salamon? *listens to it again* No that has to be Yuri! XD
[Image: Hazama-sig.png]
Mr EliteL Offline
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Went with the mega-cut. Great video you put together, even if it's a rant but one you finally got out of your system. Gave me a laugh too, damn that game is awful. As soon as I saw the battle system had all those hexagon whatever when choosing, that would keep me away me playing. Not that had any intention of course. Preferred your version of how the game could've been like, as the original plot was not there. Liked it every time you had to say "why can't you do anything right Data Squad?!"

Also did Yuri have moment in there, or was that your voice edited on Salamon? *listens to it again* No that has to be Yuri! XD
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
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Nope that wasn't me I actually was going to have a part, but it didn't quite work out that way due to reasons. Gasp
[Image: 30-humptypunch3.gif]
Karo Offline
I like flashy things
Jun 2018
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Nope that wasn't me I actually was going to have a part, but it didn't quite work out that way due to reasons. Gasp
Maniakkid25 Offline
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
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Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
Yeah, that was just me pitch-shifted. You can here the distortion from the digital alteration really bad at the second half of it. I just couldn't bring myself to a decent sound, so I just decided to pitch shift instead.

Also, I only call it a rant instead of a review because I don't like calling them reviews unless I score it at the end, and I don't like putting a number to something as subjective as "do I like this game?".
Maniakkid25 Offline
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,632 Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
Yeah, that was just me pitch-shifted. You can here the distortion from the digital alteration really bad at the second half of it. I just couldn't bring myself to a decent sound, so I just decided to pitch shift instead.

Also, I only call it a rant instead of a review because I don't like calling them reviews unless I score it at the end, and I don't like putting a number to something as subjective as "do I like this game?".
Mr EliteL Offline
Jun 2018
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Yeah you're right on the alteration, hear it now. Man, I was so sure too. XD

How long did it take to get footage, as you pretty much did a full playthrough then pick out what you needed?
[Image: Hazama-sig.png]
Mr EliteL Offline
Jun 2018
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Yeah you're right on the alteration, hear it now. Man, I was so sure too. XD

How long did it take to get footage, as you pretty much did a full playthrough then pick out what you needed?
Maniakkid25 Offline
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,632
Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
20+ hours, and that's including B-roll and a few bonus bosses I fought. This footage, however, was gathered over many months as I worked up the nerve to play it again, knowing the only thing that was going to come of it was boredom. Also, I had to replace the cable connecting my capture device to my computer because it decided to die and produce a weird glitch where the audio was lost. Thankfully, that only happened once where I didn't notice, and that footage was usable (it was the time I do 9999 damage to Leviamon and don't kill him), and the cable was a USB extension cord. Other than that, the only issue I had was I managed to lose about 30-45 minutes of footage of me actually completing Livilus Island, but I was able to work around it. And yes, all the footage of Digimon World Data Squad was recorded by me. I could have just lifted gameplay footage from other Let's Players, but no! I took the hard way, because I'm Maniak, and I'm stupid like that.
Maniakkid25 Offline
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
Jun 2018
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,632 Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
20+ hours, and that's including B-roll and a few bonus bosses I fought. This footage, however, was gathered over many months as I worked up the nerve to play it again, knowing the only thing that was going to come of it was boredom. Also, I had to replace the cable connecting my capture device to my computer because it decided to die and produce a weird glitch where the audio was lost. Thankfully, that only happened once where I didn't notice, and that footage was usable (it was the time I do 9999 damage to Leviamon and don't kill him), and the cable was a USB extension cord. Other than that, the only issue I had was I managed to lose about 30-45 minutes of footage of me actually completing Livilus Island, but I was able to work around it. And yes, all the footage of Digimon World Data Squad was recorded by me. I could have just lifted gameplay footage from other Let's Players, but no! I took the hard way, because I'm Maniak, and I'm stupid like that.
ShiraNoMai Offline
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Yoshi (Shiny) Yoshi Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
For a moment, I thought you were reviewing the anime series, and I had a flashback to high school... boy oh boy. Glad to see the differences aren't that too farfetched from each other ROFL
[Image: 40lI5nT.png]
ShiraNoMai Offline
🖤🤍💜 / 🩷💛💙
Jun 2018
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XP: 27,451 Yoshi (Shiny) Yoshi Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
For a moment, I thought you were reviewing the anime series, and I had a flashback to high school... boy oh boy. Glad to see the differences aren't that too farfetched from each other ROFL
Maniakkid25 Offline
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
Jun 2018
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,632
Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
Yeah, this is a LOT less rage-y than it was way back then. I hacked my original script to pieces, basically, and what I got I'm definitely proud of because it's less me being angry at everything, and more of me being able to express just WHY this thing is wrong.

That moment when you realize you forgot to credit people where it's deserved. I had to leave a note in the description about footage I did not credit, because I refuse to re-upload the video fixing it. That's certainly annoying. I didn't do this before because I thought only one place was missed, and it was relatively obvious that it wasn't me based on the name used by the main character. But, then I found another place, and was like "DAMN IT!" So, yeah, fix that. For those wondering, all the Legend of Dragoon footage I used was lifted from xRavenXP at World of Longplays, and all the Digimon World 2 footage I lifted was from Nero Mystyra. Yeah, turns out there were enough errors that it was actually worth re-uploading them after fixing them. Those errors have since been fixed.
Maniakkid25 Offline
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
Jun 2018
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What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,632 Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
Yeah, this is a LOT less rage-y than it was way back then. I hacked my original script to pieces, basically, and what I got I'm definitely proud of because it's less me being angry at everything, and more of me being able to express just WHY this thing is wrong.

That moment when you realize you forgot to credit people where it's deserved. I had to leave a note in the description about footage I did not credit, because I refuse to re-upload the video fixing it. That's certainly annoying. I didn't do this before because I thought only one place was missed, and it was relatively obvious that it wasn't me based on the name used by the main character. But, then I found another place, and was like "DAMN IT!" So, yeah, fix that. For those wondering, all the Legend of Dragoon footage I used was lifted from xRavenXP at World of Longplays, and all the Digimon World 2 footage I lifted was from Nero Mystyra. Yeah, turns out there were enough errors that it was actually worth re-uploading them after fixing them. Those errors have since been fixed.

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