Soulless Journalism | Ever encountered any?
Nightingale Offline
Resident Manic Farmer
Jun 2018
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I won't give names nor point to direct examples (that would be uncalled for, I think) but I will say that I was reading some Washington Nationals news the other day and... MY GOD, could they care even less about the happenings of the team they are fans of?

Look, I'm a Toronto Blue Jays fan first and foremost, but I sometimes like to remember that there's a league in which you don't have to deal with the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox on a daily basis, so I like to just relax and watch some of those games instead... and since the Nationals are basically the Montreal Expos with a less horrible name (but still same mediocre record) they are my pick for NL action. I'm not a full-blown fan, I just happen to care about them more than I do about most of the competence and I'd root for them all the way thru is they are somehow able to make it that far. So yeah, you can count me as a Junior Nat is you wish.

But damn, the kind of journalism (and comments) seen on their fandom is almost creepy in a way, as if they didn't have any stakes on the game. Like, I know sites have rules and all and the writers just can't go space crazy on their recaps and takes, but if you look at literally every other team (well, maybe not the Tampa Bay Rays, but they do make a good effort) you'd notice a lot more of blood flow on the narrative, from players being killed for errors to the proposal of parades on the streets over -in the long run- meaningless victories over other teams that may or may not be competing. That's how I feel it should be.

And to add insult to injury, I was pleasantly surprised to find a newcomer cutting the crap on one of the recaps and going for the kill with some well-placed swearing (nothing particularly directed at anyone, just some steam being blown off) and his comment was immediately followed with a warning. Come on.

My point is that it is ok to be polite and methodical while writing about a sport that -let's face it- is basically a giant math class, but I do think a bit of fantastism is necessary in order to make the thing digestible, even recommendable. Otherwise, you just sound like the newspaper's section on second-hand gardening items, mate. 

Anyway, ever encountered this sort of thing yourself? If so, what did you think about it and how do you think could be improved? Share it with us!
When leaves have fallen.
And skies turned to grey.
The night keeps on closing in on the day.
A nightingale sings his song of farewell.
You better hide from her freezing hell. ~ Ice Queen, Within Temptation.

Nightingale Offline
Resident Manic Farmer
Jun 2018
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XP: 5,252 Dragon Quest Final Fantasy Splatoon 
I won't give names nor point to direct examples (that would be uncalled for, I think) but I will say that I was reading some Washington Nationals news the other day and... MY GOD, could they care even less about the happenings of the team they are fans of?

Look, I'm a Toronto Blue Jays fan first and foremost, but I sometimes like to remember that there's a league in which you don't have to deal with the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox on a daily basis, so I like to just relax and watch some of those games instead... and since the Nationals are basically the Montreal Expos with a less horrible name (but still same mediocre record) they are my pick for NL action. I'm not a full-blown fan, I just happen to care about them more than I do about most of the competence and I'd root for them all the way thru is they are somehow able to make it that far. So yeah, you can count me as a Junior Nat is you wish.

But damn, the kind of journalism (and comments) seen on their fandom is almost creepy in a way, as if they didn't have any stakes on the game. Like, I know sites have rules and all and the writers just can't go space crazy on their recaps and takes, but if you look at literally every other team (well, maybe not the Tampa Bay Rays, but they do make a good effort) you'd notice a lot more of blood flow on the narrative, from players being killed for errors to the proposal of parades on the streets over -in the long run- meaningless victories over other teams that may or may not be competing. That's how I feel it should be.

And to add insult to injury, I was pleasantly surprised to find a newcomer cutting the crap on one of the recaps and going for the kill with some well-placed swearing (nothing particularly directed at anyone, just some steam being blown off) and his comment was immediately followed with a warning. Come on.

My point is that it is ok to be polite and methodical while writing about a sport that -let's face it- is basically a giant math class, but I do think a bit of fantastism is necessary in order to make the thing digestible, even recommendable. Otherwise, you just sound like the newspaper's section on second-hand gardening items, mate. 

Anyway, ever encountered this sort of thing yourself? If so, what did you think about it and how do you think could be improved? Share it with us!
lp0 on fire Offline
PC Load Letter WTF does that mean?!
Jun 2018
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Oh boy I try to be vague or avoid politics but my hand has now been force:
gaming """"journalism"""""
You had the Polygon "I'd rather be talking about the politics in the Phillippines then my job" article

Quote:We are on the rooftop of a pricey hotel in Santa Monica, at a press event organized by Rock Band 4's developer and publisher Harmonix.

I'm standing at a safe distance, drinking fizzy water, eating puff pastry canapes and chatting to another colleague about politics in the Philippines. I'm having an OK time.

I'm supposed to be focusing my attention on Rock Band 4, but there's more chance of Ferdinand Marcos leaping onto that stage than there is of me mounting the boards, swinging a guitar strap around my neck and yelling "whooooooo."

I don't care about rock music. I dislike crowds and I dislike loud noises. I don't do public performances, excepting "Toastmasters" which I enjoy from time-to-time, along with half a dozen accountants, schoolteachers and self-improvement nutters.

Poland has more of a change of getting in to space, then polygon into games

Game Journalist fails at tutorial level with instructions written on screen:

These images speak for them selves:
[Image: B2DJrJICUAAc8Ca.jpg]
[Image: wo6oQhv.jpg]

"Buttt...PM GG is about harrasement !" Bullshit Gaming """"Journalism"""" has a long history of corruption and unehtical behavior:

Then there was the time where a Game reviewer/journalist was fired from GameSpot because he gave a bad review to a game that was being heavily advertised on GameSpot:

Oh then the media durning the 2016 elections... so much "pot calling the kettle black" When it came to saying shit about Trump but leaving the fact that Bill and/or Hillary was accused of or even recorded doing the same.

THen you have the Duke Lacrosse Team case which the media witch hunted the players only to find out she was lying her ass off, AND THE STATE PROSECUTOR WITHHELD EVIDENCE THAT SHOWED THEM TO BE INNOCENT

The media going ape shit over Trayvon Martin only to be found "Oh wait Zimmerman had injuries that point to his story being correct" Same with Micheal Brown As soon as that shit gets out the media goes silence instead of issuing redactions or saying "oh hey here is what the evidence shows"

THen you have fucking CNN a "trusted source of news" hire Nancy Grace as a "legal expert" only thing is the following:
Quote:While a prosecutor, Grace was reprimanded by the Supreme Court of Georgia for withholding evidence and for making improper statements in a 1997 arson and murder case. The court overturned the conviction in that case and found that Grace's behavior "demonstrated her disregard of the notions of due process and fairness and was inexcusable." [9] As well, a 2005 federal appeals opinion by Judge William H. Pryor, Jr. found that Grace "played fast and loose" with core ethical rules in a 1990 triple murder case, including the withholding of evidence and allowing a police detective to testify falsely under oath. The 1990 murder conviction was upheld despite Grace's prosecutorial misconduct.

Because clearly we can trust some one who was a prosecutor who played fast and loose with laws and ethics.

Back in 2007 a friend of mine was taking a college journalism class the instructor gave them an assignment to write about how 9-11 was an inside job and when asked about evidence and stuff he just said "It doesn't matter what the truth is, all that matters if that you write what your bosses want you to write under the guise of truth and objectivity"

EDIT shorty after writing this post I discovered that a former editor-in-cheif of The Escapist Manganese bought it. One the post he made on medium he said he it was taken over my an extremest political position and that under his rein he wants to bring it back to "leave politics at the door" (which is great I dont need anti trump/hrc things in my bloody vidya.

This spark outrage over those """videogame journalists"""

Sauces: (shamelessly ripped from a reddit post which is why it starts at 2)
Link: 2 (
Link: 3 (
Link: 4 (
Link: 5 (
Link: 6 (
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Zaythus Network Community Lifeboat man I suck at advertising stuff...
[Image: pcmascot.png]
Putting the 'Percussive' in 'Maintenance' since Before (most of) you were born.
Any post do not reflect the views of Zaythus Netwroks Inc nor it's new Murderous OverLoard Tap A Talk (hereby referred to as "TAT").
Any posts do not necessary reflect the views of the poster, after all he does shitpost from time to time, like right now.

Percussive maintenance - the art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.
We need Tables!
The community's grumpy old man who goes on long winded rants.
WARNING: This post contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
[Image: BDay-18-2nd.png]
[Image: ZUW3rka.gif]
Spooky scary skeletons
Send shivers down your spine
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
Seal your doom tonight
lp0 on fire Offline
PC Load Letter WTF does that mean?!
Jun 2018
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Oh boy I try to be vague or avoid politics but my hand has now been force:
gaming """"journalism"""""
You had the Polygon "I'd rather be talking about the politics in the Phillippines then my job" article

Quote:We are on the rooftop of a pricey hotel in Santa Monica, at a press event organized by Rock Band 4's developer and publisher Harmonix.

I'm standing at a safe distance, drinking fizzy water, eating puff pastry canapes and chatting to another colleague about politics in the Philippines. I'm having an OK time.

I'm supposed to be focusing my attention on Rock Band 4, but there's more chance of Ferdinand Marcos leaping onto that stage than there is of me mounting the boards, swinging a guitar strap around my neck and yelling "whooooooo."

I don't care about rock music. I dislike crowds and I dislike loud noises. I don't do public performances, excepting "Toastmasters" which I enjoy from time-to-time, along with half a dozen accountants, schoolteachers and self-improvement nutters.

Poland has more of a change of getting in to space, then polygon into games

Game Journalist fails at tutorial level with instructions written on screen:

These images speak for them selves:
[Image: B2DJrJICUAAc8Ca.jpg]
[Image: wo6oQhv.jpg]

"Buttt...PM GG is about harrasement !" Bullshit Gaming """"Journalism"""" has a long history of corruption and unehtical behavior:

Then there was the time where a Game reviewer/journalist was fired from GameSpot because he gave a bad review to a game that was being heavily advertised on GameSpot:

Oh then the media durning the 2016 elections... so much "pot calling the kettle black" When it came to saying shit about Trump but leaving the fact that Bill and/or Hillary was accused of or even recorded doing the same.

THen you have the Duke Lacrosse Team case which the media witch hunted the players only to find out she was lying her ass off, AND THE STATE PROSECUTOR WITHHELD EVIDENCE THAT SHOWED THEM TO BE INNOCENT

The media going ape shit over Trayvon Martin only to be found "Oh wait Zimmerman had injuries that point to his story being correct" Same with Micheal Brown As soon as that shit gets out the media goes silence instead of issuing redactions or saying "oh hey here is what the evidence shows"

THen you have fucking CNN a "trusted source of news" hire Nancy Grace as a "legal expert" only thing is the following:
Quote:While a prosecutor, Grace was reprimanded by the Supreme Court of Georgia for withholding evidence and for making improper statements in a 1997 arson and murder case. The court overturned the conviction in that case and found that Grace's behavior "demonstrated her disregard of the notions of due process and fairness and was inexcusable." [9] As well, a 2005 federal appeals opinion by Judge William H. Pryor, Jr. found that Grace "played fast and loose" with core ethical rules in a 1990 triple murder case, including the withholding of evidence and allowing a police detective to testify falsely under oath. The 1990 murder conviction was upheld despite Grace's prosecutorial misconduct.

Because clearly we can trust some one who was a prosecutor who played fast and loose with laws and ethics.

Back in 2007 a friend of mine was taking a college journalism class the instructor gave them an assignment to write about how 9-11 was an inside job and when asked about evidence and stuff he just said "It doesn't matter what the truth is, all that matters if that you write what your bosses want you to write under the guise of truth and objectivity"

EDIT shorty after writing this post I discovered that a former editor-in-cheif of The Escapist Manganese bought it. One the post he made on medium he said he it was taken over my an extremest political position and that under his rein he wants to bring it back to "leave politics at the door" (which is great I dont need anti trump/hrc things in my bloody vidya.

This spark outrage over those """videogame journalists"""

Sauces: (shamelessly ripped from a reddit post which is why it starts at 2)
Link: 2 (
Link: 3 (
Link: 4 (
Link: 5 (
Link: 6 (
Link: 7 (
Link: 8 (
Link: 9 (
Link: 10 (
Link: 11 (
Nightingale Offline
Resident Manic Farmer
Jun 2018
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Man, that was a great post.

But I will be cringing for weeks following the images.

Also, is it a legal requirement I'm not aware of to be super cold-blooded to live in Washington DC? When the original Senators were to move, following being horrible, the fans rioted.

Now the team's still horrible (and you know you are when not even spending a couple of decades in Canada help) and nothing.
When leaves have fallen.
And skies turned to grey.
The night keeps on closing in on the day.
A nightingale sings his song of farewell.
You better hide from her freezing hell. ~ Ice Queen, Within Temptation.

Nightingale Offline
Resident Manic Farmer
Jun 2018
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Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
XP: 5,252 Dragon Quest Final Fantasy Splatoon 
Man, that was a great post.

But I will be cringing for weeks following the images.

Also, is it a legal requirement I'm not aware of to be super cold-blooded to live in Washington DC? When the original Senators were to move, following being horrible, the fans rioted.

Now the team's still horrible (and you know you are when not even spending a couple of decades in Canada help) and nothing.
lp0 on fire Offline
PC Load Letter WTF does that mean?!
Jun 2018
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(Jul 27th, 2018, 12:18 AM)Nightingale Wrote:
Also, is it a legal requirement I'm not aware of to be super cold-blooded to live in Washington DC?

yes, but only because it helps keep you cool from all the hot bullshit that comes out of DC.

Zaythus Network Community Lifeboat man I suck at advertising stuff...
[Image: pcmascot.png]
Putting the 'Percussive' in 'Maintenance' since Before (most of) you were born.
Any post do not reflect the views of Zaythus Netwroks Inc nor it's new Murderous OverLoard Tap A Talk (hereby referred to as "TAT").
Any posts do not necessary reflect the views of the poster, after all he does shitpost from time to time, like right now.

Percussive maintenance - the art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.
We need Tables!
The community's grumpy old man who goes on long winded rants.
WARNING: This post contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
[Image: BDay-18-2nd.png]
[Image: ZUW3rka.gif]
Spooky scary skeletons
Send shivers down your spine
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
Seal your doom tonight
lp0 on fire Offline
PC Load Letter WTF does that mean?!
Jun 2018
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OpenRTC 2, Parkitech
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XP: 3,152 Uncharted Tomb Raider Tekken 
(Jul 27th, 2018, 12:18 AM)Nightingale Wrote:
Also, is it a legal requirement I'm not aware of to be super cold-blooded to live in Washington DC?

yes, but only because it helps keep you cool from all the hot bullshit that comes out of DC.
Grungie Offline
Jul 2018
XP: 153
There's an incident people are trying to defend, but some, I think, redditor by the handle Han Asshole Solo photoshopped a gif of Trump beating up CNN, and Trump Tweeted it, and then news broke that CNN doxxed his ass and threatened to share his personal information unless he apologized. I guess if you piss of Ted Turner, that's what happens.

I'm not strictly left or right leaning, as I pick and choose on the situation, but stuff like that annoys me, as I've noticed the left is big on that when it comes to saying/doing something they're offended by, in particular if it's someone perceived to be right leaning. This gets perpetuated when someone who's cool with the left posts a "problematic joke" and the right fucks with them and pulls the same stunt the left does, and then leftist outlets condem the right and say "woah, that was just a racist joke, chill. I know if the right does it, we'll crucify you, but it's considered comedy when we say it". Recently they're defending some off the wall stuff one of the Rick and Morty guys made.

Something the left and the right agree on that nobody wants to admit, is that they both hate the Jews. The left is more weird about it than the right, as the right wingers who are anti-Semitic will at least admit it. The left tries to hide it by trying to shoehorn Israel v Palestine and Zionism whenever they bring up the Jews, despite those topics having nothing to do with the actual discussion, as all Jews are apparently Zionists, but don't you dare say all Muslims are terrorists amirite? 

A year or so ago, there was a lesbian pride parade in Chicago called the Chicago Dyke March, and this lesbian Jewish lady put the Star of David on her gay pride flag, and she got kicked out, because the Star of David means you hate Palestine. The crazy part was that a ton of prominent left leaning news articles were condemning the woman for daring to be proud she's Jewish and how it somehow leads to Zionism. "We're not anti-Semitic, but her crime was that she admitted she was Jewish".

The reason why I find this weird, is because the left prides themselves on how PC they are.
Grungie Offline
Jul 2018
XP: 153
There's an incident people are trying to defend, but some, I think, redditor by the handle Han Asshole Solo photoshopped a gif of Trump beating up CNN, and Trump Tweeted it, and then news broke that CNN doxxed his ass and threatened to share his personal information unless he apologized. I guess if you piss of Ted Turner, that's what happens.

I'm not strictly left or right leaning, as I pick and choose on the situation, but stuff like that annoys me, as I've noticed the left is big on that when it comes to saying/doing something they're offended by, in particular if it's someone perceived to be right leaning. This gets perpetuated when someone who's cool with the left posts a "problematic joke" and the right fucks with them and pulls the same stunt the left does, and then leftist outlets condem the right and say "woah, that was just a racist joke, chill. I know if the right does it, we'll crucify you, but it's considered comedy when we say it". Recently they're defending some off the wall stuff one of the Rick and Morty guys made.

Something the left and the right agree on that nobody wants to admit, is that they both hate the Jews. The left is more weird about it than the right, as the right wingers who are anti-Semitic will at least admit it. The left tries to hide it by trying to shoehorn Israel v Palestine and Zionism whenever they bring up the Jews, despite those topics having nothing to do with the actual discussion, as all Jews are apparently Zionists, but don't you dare say all Muslims are terrorists amirite? 

A year or so ago, there was a lesbian pride parade in Chicago called the Chicago Dyke March, and this lesbian Jewish lady put the Star of David on her gay pride flag, and she got kicked out, because the Star of David means you hate Palestine. The crazy part was that a ton of prominent left leaning news articles were condemning the woman for daring to be proud she's Jewish and how it somehow leads to Zionism. "We're not anti-Semitic, but her crime was that she admitted she was Jewish".

The reason why I find this weird, is because the left prides themselves on how PC they are.
lp0 on fire Offline
PC Load Letter WTF does that mean?!
Jun 2018
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(Jul 27th, 2018, 12:12 PM)Grungie Wrote:
There's an incident people are trying to defend, but some, I think, redditor by the handle Han Asshole Solo photoshopped a gif of Trump beating up CNN, and Trump Tweeted it, and then news broke that CNN doxxed his ass and threatened to share his personal information unless he apologized. I guess if you piss of Ted Turner, that's what happens.

I'm not strictly left or right leaning, as I pick and choose on the situation, but stuff like that annoys me, as I've noticed the left is big on that when it comes to saying/doing something they're offended by, in particular if it's someone perceived to be right leaning. This gets perpetuated when someone who's cool with the left posts a "problematic joke" and the right fucks with them and pulls the same stunt the left does, and then leftist outlets condem the right and say "woah, that was just a racist joke, chill. I know if the right does it, we'll crucify you, but it's considered comedy when we say it". Recently they're defending some off the wall stuff one of the Rick and Morty guys made.

Something the left and the right agree on that nobody wants to admit, is that they both hate the Jews. The left is more weird about it than the right, as the right wingers who are anti-Semitic will at least admit it. The left tries to hide it by trying to shoehorn Israel v Palestine and Zionism whenever they bring up the Jews, despite those topics having nothing to do with the actual discussion, as all Jews are apparently Zionists, but don't you dare say all Muslims are terrorists amirite? 

A year or so ago, there was a lesbian pride parade in Chicago called the Chicago Dyke March, and this lesbian Jewish lady put the Star of David on her gay pride flag, and she got kicked out, because the Star of David means you hate Palestine. The crazy part was that a ton of prominent left leaning news articles were condemning the woman for daring to be proud she's Jewish and how it somehow leads to Zionism. "We're not anti-Semitic, but her crime was that she admitted she was Jewish".

The reason why I find this weird, is because the left prides themselves on how PC they are.

Yeah that pissed me off and I dislike Trump. You are a fucking multinational multibillion dollar corporation who deals with news and politics, YOU ARE 100% SUBJECTED TO CRITICISM, SCRUTINY, AND PUBLIC COMMENTS. But no your feelings were hurt by a random ass anonymous person.

The (far) left made rules about how it is okay to get people fired, etc ("no bad tactics only bad targets"). The right / and people who are sick of their shit (which includes left and centrists) are trying to make sure those who made the rules are accountable to their own rules. (the far left right now has a "Rules for thee not for me" attitude)

The left got outrage over a lady who worked for Nintendo, moonlighted as an "escort", and who's thesis was a defense of pedophilia, was fired from Nintendo which is often seen as a kid friendly company. Claimed it was "Sexism" and other bullshit. Yeah because you want some one who saids "Its okay to diddle kids" to work for a company who deals with kids...

Its the far right who hates Jews (e.g. actual neo-nazis, Islamist, etc), the average right don't really hate Jews, but man the left has a hard on for any time Isreal does something even if it means ignoring that Palestine forced Isreal's hand by using hospitals, schools, etc as bases for weapons and what not, along with possibly using Geneva protected ambulances to transport troops. Even more concering is when I tried to get sources on this stuff it almost always unrelated stuff from Aljazeera.

Zaythus Network Community Lifeboat man I suck at advertising stuff...
[Image: pcmascot.png]
Putting the 'Percussive' in 'Maintenance' since Before (most of) you were born.
Any post do not reflect the views of Zaythus Netwroks Inc nor it's new Murderous OverLoard Tap A Talk (hereby referred to as "TAT").
Any posts do not necessary reflect the views of the poster, after all he does shitpost from time to time, like right now.

Percussive maintenance - the art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.
We need Tables!
The community's grumpy old man who goes on long winded rants.
WARNING: This post contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
[Image: BDay-18-2nd.png]
[Image: ZUW3rka.gif]
Spooky scary skeletons
Send shivers down your spine
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
Seal your doom tonight
lp0 on fire Offline
PC Load Letter WTF does that mean?!
Jun 2018
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Glorious PC Master Race
XP: 3,152 Uncharted Tomb Raider Tekken 
(Jul 27th, 2018, 12:12 PM)Grungie Wrote:
There's an incident people are trying to defend, but some, I think, redditor by the handle Han Asshole Solo photoshopped a gif of Trump beating up CNN, and Trump Tweeted it, and then news broke that CNN doxxed his ass and threatened to share his personal information unless he apologized. I guess if you piss of Ted Turner, that's what happens.

I'm not strictly left or right leaning, as I pick and choose on the situation, but stuff like that annoys me, as I've noticed the left is big on that when it comes to saying/doing something they're offended by, in particular if it's someone perceived to be right leaning. This gets perpetuated when someone who's cool with the left posts a "problematic joke" and the right fucks with them and pulls the same stunt the left does, and then leftist outlets condem the right and say "woah, that was just a racist joke, chill. I know if the right does it, we'll crucify you, but it's considered comedy when we say it". Recently they're defending some off the wall stuff one of the Rick and Morty guys made.

Something the left and the right agree on that nobody wants to admit, is that they both hate the Jews. The left is more weird about it than the right, as the right wingers who are anti-Semitic will at least admit it. The left tries to hide it by trying to shoehorn Israel v Palestine and Zionism whenever they bring up the Jews, despite those topics having nothing to do with the actual discussion, as all Jews are apparently Zionists, but don't you dare say all Muslims are terrorists amirite? 

A year or so ago, there was a lesbian pride parade in Chicago called the Chicago Dyke March, and this lesbian Jewish lady put the Star of David on her gay pride flag, and she got kicked out, because the Star of David means you hate Palestine. The crazy part was that a ton of prominent left leaning news articles were condemning the woman for daring to be proud she's Jewish and how it somehow leads to Zionism. "We're not anti-Semitic, but her crime was that she admitted she was Jewish".

The reason why I find this weird, is because the left prides themselves on how PC they are.

Yeah that pissed me off and I dislike Trump. You are a fucking multinational multibillion dollar corporation who deals with news and politics, YOU ARE 100% SUBJECTED TO CRITICISM, SCRUTINY, AND PUBLIC COMMENTS. But no your feelings were hurt by a random ass anonymous person.

The (far) left made rules about how it is okay to get people fired, etc ("no bad tactics only bad targets"). The right / and people who are sick of their shit (which includes left and centrists) are trying to make sure those who made the rules are accountable to their own rules. (the far left right now has a "Rules for thee not for me" attitude)

The left got outrage over a lady who worked for Nintendo, moonlighted as an "escort", and who's thesis was a defense of pedophilia, was fired from Nintendo which is often seen as a kid friendly company. Claimed it was "Sexism" and other bullshit. Yeah because you want some one who saids "Its okay to diddle kids" to work for a company who deals with kids...

Its the far right who hates Jews (e.g. actual neo-nazis, Islamist, etc), the average right don't really hate Jews, but man the left has a hard on for any time Isreal does something even if it means ignoring that Palestine forced Isreal's hand by using hospitals, schools, etc as bases for weapons and what not, along with possibly using Geneva protected ambulances to transport troops. Even more concering is when I tried to get sources on this stuff it almost always unrelated stuff from Aljazeera.
WR91 Offline
Sep 2020
XP: 4,670
I see it all the time and it makes me pretty upset that people actually believe some of the stuff that journalists put out for the world to see and view.

But I think I'm even more upset about the bias from the news and "journalists" in general. You're the news. You're supposed to just state facts. If it were opinion pieces that's a different story but news is supposed to be just news. No attacks, no favoring one side over another. Just news!
WR91 Offline
Sep 2020
XP: 4,670
I see it all the time and it makes me pretty upset that people actually believe some of the stuff that journalists put out for the world to see and view.

But I think I'm even more upset about the bias from the news and "journalists" in general. You're the news. You're supposed to just state facts. If it were opinion pieces that's a different story but news is supposed to be just news. No attacks, no favoring one side over another. Just news!
Moonface Offline
Jun 2018
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Dead Space (PS5) | Stardew Valley (PC) | The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC)
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(Jul 13th, 2022, 10:44 PM)WrestleRacer91 Wrote:
But I think I'm even more upset about the bias from the news and "journalists" in general. You're the news. You're supposed to just state facts. If it were opinion pieces that's a different story but news is supposed to be just news. No attacks, no favoring one side over another. Just news!
If I'm not mistaken AP News is the place almost every other news outlet gets their news from to report on it, with each outlet picking what they want from the AP report depending on what they want to utilize for the most interaction from viewers, so AP is probably very neutral since they just report the facts of what happened without any personal spin on it.

There are also apparently radio stations focused purely on giving the facts of what happened and nothing else, but you rarely hear of them because that sort of news is incredibly boring and uneventful since it lacks any of the drama and baiting most outlets use to generate traffic. The news figured there's more money to make from being entertaining than just having some person say the facts with no speculation or analysis about it.
[Image: hbCSi7H.gif]

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(Jul 13th, 2022, 10:44 PM)WrestleRacer91 Wrote:
But I think I'm even more upset about the bias from the news and "journalists" in general. You're the news. You're supposed to just state facts. If it were opinion pieces that's a different story but news is supposed to be just news. No attacks, no favoring one side over another. Just news!
If I'm not mistaken AP News is the place almost every other news outlet gets their news from to report on it, with each outlet picking what they want from the AP report depending on what they want to utilize for the most interaction from viewers, so AP is probably very neutral since they just report the facts of what happened without any personal spin on it.

There are also apparently radio stations focused purely on giving the facts of what happened and nothing else, but you rarely hear of them because that sort of news is incredibly boring and uneventful since it lacks any of the drama and baiting most outlets use to generate traffic. The news figured there's more money to make from being entertaining than just having some person say the facts with no speculation or analysis about it.

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