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queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
[Switch] Pokémon Violet [PC] BK:EW&tlO, TCG Sim, DQ3-HD, & Pheonix Wright Trilogy
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 10,925
Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
Hello Kitty Island Adventure [steam]: So far I'm best friends with at least 4 Sanrio characters. I should be making up visitor houses for the other ones that will be visiting soon, but meh. XD I did what I could for the day and saved then quit.
[Image: palwor10.png]
[Image: ffix-p10.png]
queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
[Switch] Pokémon Violet [PC] BK:EW&tlO, TCG Sim, DQ3-HD, & Pheonix Wright Trilogy
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 10,925 Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
Hello Kitty Island Adventure [steam]: So far I'm best friends with at least 4 Sanrio characters. I should be making up visitor houses for the other ones that will be visiting soon, but meh. XD I did what I could for the day and saved then quit.
Maniakkid25 Online
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
Jun 2018
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Lots of different things
Favourite Platform(s)
What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,714
Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
Monster Hunter Wilds (PC)


Been waiting months for it to drop, and it drops on my day off, let's go!
Maniakkid25 Online
Part-time ranter, full-time cricket
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
Lots of different things
Favourite Platform(s)
What answer makes me a hipster?
XP: 14,714 Phogs Metroid (Shiny) Halloween Birthday Bash (Shiny) 
Monster Hunter Wilds (PC)


Been waiting months for it to drop, and it drops on my day off, let's go!
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC) | Grounded (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 30,400
Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
(Feb 19th, 2025, 10:47 PM)Maniakkid25 Wrote:
...So I'm gonna start by saying this game I'm about to describe feels like a fever dream.

Enigma of Sepia (mobile)

So, I downloaded and started playing because I saw the ads for it on Youtube, and I couldn't believe them. Like, there was no way, right? There's no way they're doing this. But no! They are!

They are commiting full-scale character design theft.

All of the characters -- ALL OF THEM -- are sexy female versions of characters from other anime and video games. Oh, they renamed them in-game -- not in the ads -- but they are obviously based on other characters. Just from what I recognize, I've seen Bleach, Naruto, Demon Slayer, Full Metal Alchemist, One Piece, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Hellsing, Dragonball Z, Persona 5, Overwatch, Death Note, and My Hero Academia! And those are just the properties I recognize! I have no doubts there are more!

This game is gonna get nuked in a week, I swear! This feels like a fever dream that they had the audacity to do this! Holy crap!
I think I saw an ad on the badmobilegameads subreddit for this, because I recall learning of a mobile game that just blatantly stole characters from other franchises but gender swapped them.
As for it being nuked, I can't see it, only because I think I heard it was a Chinese game and they don't give a rats ass about copyright. At best it'll get removed from app stores but I doubt the game itself will go anywhere. Eh
[Image: hbCSi7H.gif]

I, the Philosophical Sponge of Marbles, send you on a quest for the Golden Chewing Gum of the Whoop-A-Ding-Dong Desert under the sea!
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC) | Grounded (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 30,400 Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
(Feb 19th, 2025, 10:47 PM)Maniakkid25 Wrote:
...So I'm gonna start by saying this game I'm about to describe feels like a fever dream.

Enigma of Sepia (mobile)

So, I downloaded and started playing because I saw the ads for it on Youtube, and I couldn't believe them. Like, there was no way, right? There's no way they're doing this. But no! They are!

They are commiting full-scale character design theft.

All of the characters -- ALL OF THEM -- are sexy female versions of characters from other anime and video games. Oh, they renamed them in-game -- not in the ads -- but they are obviously based on other characters. Just from what I recognize, I've seen Bleach, Naruto, Demon Slayer, Full Metal Alchemist, One Piece, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Hellsing, Dragonball Z, Persona 5, Overwatch, Death Note, and My Hero Academia! And those are just the properties I recognize! I have no doubts there are more!

This game is gonna get nuked in a week, I swear! This feels like a fever dream that they had the audacity to do this! Holy crap!
I think I saw an ad on the badmobilegameads subreddit for this, because I recall learning of a mobile game that just blatantly stole characters from other franchises but gender swapped them.
As for it being nuked, I can't see it, only because I think I heard it was a Chinese game and they don't give a rats ass about copyright. At best it'll get removed from app stores but I doubt the game itself will go anywhere. Eh
Kyng Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 9,381
Mario Kart Halloween Birthday Bash Persona 
LEGO Racers, for old times' sake.

I've had that game for nearly 25 years now... I must have got its money's worth many times over!!!
Kyng Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 9,381 Mario Kart Halloween Birthday Bash Persona 
LEGO Racers, for old times' sake.

I've had that game for nearly 25 years now... I must have got its money's worth many times over!!!
queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
[Switch] Pokémon Violet [PC] BK:EW&tlO, TCG Sim, DQ3-HD, & Pheonix Wright Trilogy
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 10,925
Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
Hello Kitty Island Adventures: Still leveling the characters up. Some new ones arrived and a new area opened up. Did some stuff and saved then quit when I was done. I'm staying as spoiler free for this as I can. :3

Pokémon Violet: Did some shiny hunting since there is a few shiny raids going, I got a shiny Smolive and a shiny Lapris. <3 I also caught the mightiest mark Maskerada too. :3
[Image: palwor10.png]
[Image: ffix-p10.png]
queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
[Switch] Pokémon Violet [PC] BK:EW&tlO, TCG Sim, DQ3-HD, & Pheonix Wright Trilogy
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 10,925 Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
Hello Kitty Island Adventures: Still leveling the characters up. Some new ones arrived and a new area opened up. Did some stuff and saved then quit when I was done. I'm staying as spoiler free for this as I can. :3

Pokémon Violet: Did some shiny hunting since there is a few shiny raids going, I got a shiny Smolive and a shiny Lapris. <3 I also caught the mightiest mark Maskerada too. :3
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC) | Grounded (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 30,400
Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
(Mar 1st, 2025, 03:12 PM)queenzelda Wrote:
Pokémon Violet: Did some shiny hunting since there is a few shiny raids going, I got a shiny Smolive and a shiny Lapris. <3 I also caught the mightiest mark Maskerada too. :3
You planning to do all the upcoming stuff in S/V that was shown in that recent Pokémon Presents?

Slay the Spire (PC)
Beat my first Ascension 5 run using the Ironclad! Now to do an A5 run with the other three characters, and then onto doing A6 with everyone. Tongue
[Image: hbCSi7H.gif]

I, the Philosophical Sponge of Marbles, send you on a quest for the Golden Chewing Gum of the Whoop-A-Ding-Dong Desert under the sea!
Moonface Online
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance (PC) | Grounded (PC)
Favourite Platform(s)
PlayStation | Nintendo | PC
XP: 30,400 Kirby (Shiny) Mario Kart (Shiny) Spyro The Dragon 
(Mar 1st, 2025, 03:12 PM)queenzelda Wrote:
Pokémon Violet: Did some shiny hunting since there is a few shiny raids going, I got a shiny Smolive and a shiny Lapris. <3 I also caught the mightiest mark Maskerada too. :3
You planning to do all the upcoming stuff in S/V that was shown in that recent Pokémon Presents?

Slay the Spire (PC)
Beat my first Ascension 5 run using the Ironclad! Now to do an A5 run with the other three characters, and then onto doing A6 with everyone. Tongue
queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
[Switch] Pokémon Violet [PC] BK:EW&tlO, TCG Sim, DQ3-HD, & Pheonix Wright Trilogy
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 10,925
Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
(Mar 3rd, 2025, 12:23 AM)Moonface Wrote:
(Mar 1st, 2025, 03:12 PM)queenzelda Wrote:
Pokémon Violet: Did some shiny hunting since there is a few shiny raids going, I got a shiny Smolive and a shiny Lapris. <3 I also caught the mightiest mark Maskerada too. :3
You planning to do all the upcoming stuff in S/V that was shown in that recent Pokémon Presents?
Yes, more so since I also caught the mightiest mark Skelederge already in my Violet file. :3

Suikoden 1 + 2 HD Remaster [Steam]: I decided to get the pc version since my og PlayStation versions are still in good shape physically. I started of with S1 and got as far as the Dwarf town before I saved then quit for the night.
[Image: palwor10.png]
[Image: ffix-p10.png]
queenzelda Offline
Lady Pikachu
Jun 2018
Currently Playing
[Switch] Pokémon Violet [PC] BK:EW&tlO, TCG Sim, DQ3-HD, & Pheonix Wright Trilogy
Favourite Platform(s)
XP: 10,925 Tomb Raider Tekken Rayman 
(Mar 3rd, 2025, 12:23 AM)Moonface Wrote:
(Mar 1st, 2025, 03:12 PM)queenzelda Wrote:
Pokémon Violet: Did some shiny hunting since there is a few shiny raids going, I got a shiny Smolive and a shiny Lapris. <3 I also caught the mightiest mark Maskerada too. :3
You planning to do all the upcoming stuff in S/V that was shown in that recent Pokémon Presents?
Yes, more so since I also caught the mightiest mark Skelederge already in my Violet file. :3

Suikoden 1 + 2 HD Remaster [Steam]: I decided to get the pc version since my og PlayStation versions are still in good shape physically. I started of with S1 and got as far as the Dwarf town before I saved then quit for the night.
Kyng Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 9,381
Mario Kart Halloween Birthday Bash Persona 
Civilization V, which I've returned to after completing my Locomotion game.

I fought two wars against Babylon, both of which I won, although I didn't get to wipe them off the map. The first time, I merely got some gold - while the second time, I was given the city of Akkad as part of my peace agreement:

Kyng Offline
Jun 2018
XP: 9,381 Mario Kart Halloween Birthday Bash Persona 
Civilization V, which I've returned to after completing my Locomotion game.

I fought two wars against Babylon, both of which I won, although I didn't get to wipe them off the map. The first time, I merely got some gold - while the second time, I was given the city of Akkad as part of my peace agreement:


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